I Knew I Would See You Again... (Twilight Princess!Link x reader)

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This takes place after Link and Midna part ways at the end of the game. In this one-shot, Link reunites with the reader, who has been his friend for a while.


The Mirror of Twilight shattered. Midna was gone. Link stared in bewilderment at the place where the Mirror once stood, in its place being only fragments. He stood there in silence, then looked at Princess Zelda.

"Link... Now that this is over with, you should go back to Ordon. I'm guessing your friends are missing you." Zelda said with a small smile.

'I suppose I should... I can't leave my friends alone... Especially... (y/n)...' The Hylian boy thought to himself, and he smiled when his thoughts brought up (y/n), the Ordonian person that he has been close to. Well, besides Ilia. But he and (y/n) knew each other longer than Link has known Ilia.
Link let out a grunt as he nodded, smiling. He gave the princess a goodbye bow, before making his way out of the Arbiter's Grounds. The princess watched him leave, smiling as she waved him goodbye.

Once he reached Hyrule Field, Link found some Horse Grass, and blew Epona's song into it, summoning his trusty steed. He smiled and let out a chuckle as Epona came running to him, stopping just about a foot away from him so that he wouldn't get trampled by her. He got up onto the saddle, and with a "Hyah!", they were off to Ordon Village.
The two reached the Ordon Spring, where Link dismounted his horse. He smiled as he pet Epona's nose, giving it a gentle rub before looking at the spring. He walked into the water, creating small ripples from his boots as he moved. 'I missed you, Ordon Province...' He thought to himself, smiling as he took off his hat to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. He set his hat on a nearby rock before sitting down in the spring, the warm, soothing water embracing his weary body that rested against the same rock that had his hat on it. Letting out a sigh, he closed his eyes as he let the spring heal his wounds. He smiled as he started to wash his face, getting the dirt and sweat off of it. After he was done, he wiped his eyes from the excess water, and looked around, enjoying the soothing sound of the Ordon Spring.

Eventually, he felt re-energized. After standing up and stretching, he grabbed his now clean hat off of the rock, and put it back on his head. 'Ah, much better.' He smiled, and adjusted the rest of his outfit before stepping out of the spring. He gave a silent thanks to the spirit of the spring, then took Epona's reigns before walking off, his next destination being the village.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), Link's back!" Collin called out to the said person, who was herding the goats into the barn.
(Y/n) brushed her hair out of her (e/c) eyes as she looked over towards the kid. Her lips lifted into a smile as she walked over to Collin, ruffling his blond hair.
"He's back? Took him long enough. I made something for him, but don't tell him~!" As she said the last part, (Y/n) put her index finger to her lips, giggling softly. Collin laughed and nodded, imitating her gesture.
"Alright, I won't tell him." The young boy said, then took (Y/n)'s hand, pulling it so that she can go with him. The girl laughed as she went with Collin to meet Link in the village.

Link walked Epona to her post before tying the rope around the wooden structure, and setting the reigns and bridle on top of the post. His pointed ears perked up slightly when he heard a voice saying his name. He smiled. '(Y/n)...' He turned around to face the girl, and his smile grew wider.

"Link!" (Y/n) squeaked out before running over to hug the Hylian. She literally jumped into his open arms, nearly knocking him over. The two laughed in joy as they were reunited. "I missed you so much, Link!" (Y/n) said to him, her (e/c) eyes filling with happy tears, Link's blue ones doing the same.

"I missed you too, (Y/n)..." Link spoke softly, which took the both of them by surprise. All these years, he has never spoken until now.

(Y/n) blushed at how Link sounded. His voice was just the right tone, and pitch. "Link... Th-there's something I... I want to give you..." (Y/n) said, then reached into her bag, pulling her hand back out to reveal a box. "I... I worked very hard on this... And..." She paused, blushing darker. "I-I-I hope you like it..." She handed the box to Link, and rubbed her arm shyly as she waited for him to open it.

Link blushed as well, and nodded before starting to open the box. Inside was a beautiful pendant, which was a silver heart on a string. It almost looked like a heart container to the Hylian. Link blushed darker, and he looked up at (Y/n), his ears down slightly and a small smile formed on his face.
"(Y/n)... It's beautiful... You... Made this for me....?" He asked, his voice softer than before.

(Y/n) nodded, and held her elbows shyly. "Y-yes... I... Made it for you, because I.... I-I...." The girl cut herself off, too embarrassed to continue. But Link knew what she was going to say. The Hylian smiled before placing his thumb under (Y/n)'s chin, gently lifting it up.
"Because you love me?" He asked, and the girl nodded in response. The Hylian smiled more, and his brows drew up into a happy manner, yet they almost appeared sad even though he wasn't. "Well... I love you too... And I came back because... I knew I would see you again..." Link stated, pulling (Y/n) into a tight hug.

The girl blushed darker, shocked at his words. "Link..." She whispered, and smiled as she returned the embrace, crying into his chest. "I'm glad you came back..." She added before pulling back to look up at the Hylian hero. The two smiled at each other, staring into the other's eyes lovingly as the sun started to set.

"I love you, (Y/n)..."
"I love you too, Link..."
The two shared a passionate kiss, their sorrows and worries melting away. They were together once again, and it will stay that way...

Legend of Zelda x reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now