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What.... what is this?

Let's take another look-

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Let's take another look-

Let's take another look-

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I haven't written a lemon (yet) and it's #2 IN "LEMONZ"?! AAaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

P.S. Thank you guys for 2k reads. I love you all so much and I'm glad you people are taking the time to read my stories and support dem. It truly means alot. :3 I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

AnYwAy, I'm currently working on my Ilia x male!reader oneshot, so stay tuned for that. And don't worry, I'll get the other requests done as soon as I can! However, the other oneshots may be slightly delayed due to school. It's almost the end of my year in grade 12, AINT THAT CRAZY?! XD
Anyway, I'm sure you guys are tired of me rambling. Sooooo! I love you all, stay awesome, and until the next chapter, BYE BYYYYYYYYE~!

Legend of Zelda x reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now