Already into fights

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—-6 Years Later—-

You were headed to U.A for the Exams ready to make a appearance to the judges.
This was your day, your life either starts here, or ends before it had the chance.
No one in this city really knows who you are or even where you came from, only a few high end hero's that worked with your mother knew who you were were really, a lot of villains though.

You were in the middle of the streets as something came down shattering the street like glass. Citizens ran away in a scurry terrified of what it was. You hid behind a building in the alley to watch what it was from a safe distance. When smoke clears some villain appeared smiling sheepishly. As he looked to his side laughing at something. Your eyes darted to the side to see a child stuck under rubble struggling to get out. He went over and picked up the child by the hem of its shirt smirking as the child yelled. "Help me! Someone please. Mommy!!" You looked in no emphatic at all at the child before starting to walk away saying under your breath "tch, not my problem". Just as then a women ran past you crying saying "No! My son!" She ran towards the villain only for someone to pull her back saying "You cant go! You'll end up dead too!, I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do". You shook your head in disbelief, 'how can that man already say her son is dead? He's still damn right alive to me'. Then that same old scene played in your head...blood everywhere...Mother protecting her child...raging streets of fire.
You clenched the clothing over your heart and used the wall as support to keep you up as it replayed in your head. You shook your head and flashed back to reality looking at the Mother still trying to get to the child in the man's grip. You face turned to a stern one as you walked out of the alley towards the man. In one quick wave of the hand black matter like liquids cut the mans arm which the child was in. The child fell to the ground and your ran over swooping him up just in the nick of time before running back and handing the child to the mother. She looked at you eyes full of thanks and fear mouthing the words thank you before you motioned her and the man to run off. You put your good on and turned back around to the large man holding the point where his arm was cut off in pain. "AHHHH, THATS IT PUNK IM GONNA END YOU!!"  He screamed before he smashed his fist into the ground causing the whole ground to shake. You motioned your hand the back liquid help rise you up into the air avoiding the smash. He threw a large rock at you but you used it as a base to push off of and to the man. The liquid engulfed your arm and you punched the man hard sending him into a nearby building. His face had blood stained on it but his eyes went wild, he got up immediately and started to throw things at you which you kept dodging swiftly. He smashed his fist into the ground again and you leaped upwards. Just then an idea popped in your head 'perfect time to use my technique' just on cue he threw a bolder at you and you motioned your hands as the bolder was being engulfed with your black liquid. You tried to redirect it around your body but you failed as you weren't strong enough yet. Instead the bolder cams smashing Against you sending you into a nearby building. You groaned in pain as the man came and lifted you up by the collar. "Heh, not so smart are we now brat! Your really gonna-w-what t-the hell!?" He panicked as blood came rushing from the ground below upwards rapping around your body. He dropped you scared and stepped back " just used some other q-quirk-How are you using b-b-blood too?!?!, how the hell do you have 2 q-quirks, who are you?!?!" Once the blood wrapped around you, you stood up as it started to disappear going towards your feet "me? I'm the death of you" just like that you leaped towards him to kill him then..
"WHAT THE HELL" you yelled as an explosion blasted you away into another building. You looked up to see two figures in front of you, one  muscular one and another slim sheet one. You were about to get up when one of the figures ripped their clothing giving out some aroma putting you into a deep...deep...sleep

VILLAIN //Bakugou Katsuki X Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now