Mad man

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"(Y/N)~ wake up sweetie, mommy made breakfast~"

(Y/N) slowly waked up from her sleep hearing those words and gave a slurred "huh?" She  saw the same boy from yesterday at the feet of the table you were strapped to "LOL just kidding, your moms dead!Hahaha" he laughed walking towards her head clasping his hands "soo I got good news and bad news, which one first!" "..huh?" "Oh that's right your still weak from all the blood I took from your body, oops haha" your head was throbbing and you were pale and cold due to blood loss. "Alright so good news is that I think I'm getting close to figuring out how to multiply your DNA" "there's nothing good about that" you groaned "haha, shut up. Bad news is I'm going to need more blood for that since I already used up all the blood I took, but your body is very weak right now, so you'll most definitely die and I can't do that;I still need you. So I'll just have you recuperate and once your blood is back up to normal then we can resume testing" "I swear I'll kill you" he smirked leaning over saying "someone seems feisty from lying down for so long" he tapped your nose and you snarled which he laughed at briskly. He went over and opened the braces locking you down. You tried moving but we're way to weak, you felt like ice just melting away on a metal table. You tried using your quirk, either one but it was futile nothing happened except you getting nauseous. "Your so cute! Do you really think that's gonna work? Your basically 20% alive, give it a rest." You kept trying making him angry because It might take you longer to get back to normal like that. He picked up your body bridal style and walked towards the door "Hey..put me down! Let me go" "mmm no" he opened the door to a long Hall and in the walls were glass prisons and what you saw was shocking..

People strapped to chairs...blood dripping down their bodies. Some looked dead and others were alive bloody eyes shaking vigorously in their seats.

He stopped in front of the glass prisons and said something that disturbed you further "all these people...are helping me regenerate your quirk using your DNA....they're my puppets" he lead to one of the glass and you saw a man sitting in a chair head hung low. "So on my 73 test, this guy here. I put an DNA mixture in him and he reacted by his body filling with blood and some came out of his hand as a quirk, but he then fainted and couldn't do it again, that's what I mean when i said I'm close." You were to stunned to talk. His voice darkened and he said "he's no longer any use to me though" with that he pressed a button on the side of the glass with you still in his arms. The man started shaking and then...
Blood splattered everywhere along the glass. You were shaking terrified and screamed weakly. He sickly smiled and pulled you against his chest closer hushing you. He walked down an corridor into a room as you were still in shook of the sight of all those people. He laid you on a bed and lied you down beside him pulling you towards his chest in a tight hug. "Listen (Y/N)...all those people, died because of you. Every.Single.One" he grabbed you wrist and put your hand on his cheek caressing it getting on top of you. "So for all those people, give me the results I want...and for you to do that, you gotta be a good girl and cooperate" you tried pushing him off but he chained you to the bed and then the other hand. You cussed him and he frowned and leaned down to your ear as his hands gently trailed along your body "if you won't cooperate then let me remind you that I have other ways of getting the results I want" he gripped both of your hips with his hands painfully and said "ones that you won't like" he got off you and started to leave the room when you said "you watch...they will find me,he will find me" "...and?" "And beat the living shit out of you, you son of a-" "well who ever your little friend is I don't care, Im not interested in him." He turned around his purple and orange orbs staring at you in a sinister way. He closed the door and left. You frustrated struggled and screamed saying "YOU SICK KILLER! ALL THOSE PEOPLE YOU KILLED!!" .

He laughed going down the corridor hearing your screams, his eyes full of blood lust with a sickening glow. He wasn't just any boy, he was a mad man.

With Bakugo and All might
"Alright this is a extraction mission. Aizawa, take your team and move in on the underground building from the left. Midnight your team go in from the right, present mic on the single from any team your squadron will burst in from the building from the top. Me and My team will take the lead and go in first, understood?" Explained All might, his team consisted of him and only Bakugo while the other teams had up to at least 4-5 U.A students from both class 1A and 1B. As All might explained the plan to everyone Bakugo was feeling determined and worried at the same time, he couldn't imagine what state your in and it pained him just thinking about it."Alright we leave in 20 minutes, prepare yourselves.". With that they were ready with their rescue mission.

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