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"Shut up already I didn't mean to knock her out for this long!"
"You need to be more careful with you powers look you've over done it!"
"Shut up all might! Or should I say all mighty bastard!"
"Excuse yourself midnight! That's no way to talk to-"
"Will you both please quite it already, look she's waking up"

You steered in your sleep hearing people arguing loudly as you felt feeling in your limbs once again.
'Shit, did I get caught by them?'
Your eyes slowly opened as you stared at 2, no 3 people in front of you. 2 of them looked very familiar while the other not so much. Once your vision cleared your head started throbbing. You held your head and groaned sitting up. "Hey there-Ugh-girl, how do you feel" " my head just got rammed by a car" "Told you, you over did it midnight!" "Shut up all might!" Two people squabbled "Enough you two! Anyways do you need anything girl?" "Ughh just water will-wait, aren't you, recovery girl?" You said rubbing your head. The old women smiled and said "Yes I am, nice to meet you dear" you nodded looking towards the other two, they looked at you smiling as if you were going to say something nice or recognize who they were but you simply looked away and said "who knocked me out?" They looked sad you didn't say anything about them but nonetheless answered "me, I'm midnight. Couldn't help but notice you were taking down a villain." She said leaning towards you suspicious saying "tell me, how did you take down that villain. He was a pretty wanted villain in this area and you jumped in no questions asked and even were close to killing the man, so tell me, how?" She said looking a bit sadistic. You looked her straight in the eye and said "just in the right place in the right time" she frowned moving away from you as you sat up examining your sore arm looking at a TV screen. Much to your surprise it was you on it taking down the villain from earlier. "How did they even get that footage?" You said as everyone turned to the screen. Recovery girl turned up the volume and you heard the commentator speak
"Young girl takes down wanted feline, hero's midnight and All might arrive at scene as we see that girl nearly kills villain. So far as we know the girl had been taken to U.A 3 days ago. No sign so far but girl is now assumed to be student, stay for more news after this short commercial break" your eyes widened as you realized that the man said 3 days and that you have been taken to U.A You panic as you launch out of the bed towards the door only to be held by all might "what's wrong?" "I-Ugh-damn it! I missed the exams, what do I do now?!" Midnight laughed walking towards you throwing an arm over you. "No need to worry, your already accepted" your mind went blank as you proceed what she just said "I'm what?" "I took notice of your skill, your definitely talented. So I recommended you and seeing your little stunt you got accepted. Now how about you tell me your name in exchange for my little 'favor' " still baffled you spoke "(Y-Y-N) and thank you. don't even know my name, how did you recommend me?" "Talent doesn't need a name" she said waving a finger in the air, you weren't very impressed with her answer though "besides I like you, those last few seconds before you were about to kill him, I saw something in you. It was a sadistic sense that I cant label but I have that in common with you, that's why I didn't need a name." You looked a little surprised and nodded your head before she  man handled you and lifted you up above her head saying "well then, time to get dressed for class!" "C-class? I just got here!" "No you didn't, you've been here for 3 days, now then. Let's go!". With that she scurried off with you towards the change rooms.

There, to your disliking she wanted to dress you and put you in a damn skirt. "Ugh-can I at least have leggings or-" "are you crazy? People are gonna love it when that thing blows up!" "Your absolutely insane" "What was that (Y/N)?" "Nothing nut job" "that's what I-Nut job?! How dare you! I'll put you in a strippers costume next time!" "Fine, Fine Sorry, ill wear the skirt, jeez" "good now let's get going to class, it's nearly your second class" " 'Kay"

VILLAIN //Bakugou Katsuki X Reader\\Where stories live. Discover now