I'll Kill Him

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"This, oh this is gonna be really fun"

You started at him in disbelief, but noted that he is more capable then you think and brasses yourself. "Tell me, why do you think my eyes look like this?" "..." "it's because of all the injections of quirks I infected myself with. I've always been able to use fire but I've hated it, I wanted more, so after I killed my brother I found out I could use his DNA to take his quirk, it worked but.." he rolled up his black sleeves and showed his messed up arm, it was all messed up, it looked like he grew scales and veins were popping out of his arm. "...this happened, it hurt like crazy, I tried fixing it and found out an antidote too. I just need to add more DNA of the same type, so I used my parents. But it made it worse" he spoke as his voice grew angrier every word. "The truth was, to fix it I needed them alive, but it's to late for that. With that I simply just threw them away and decided to start over. I then found out about your family, about your notorious name of killers, man I wish I could join" he said with a laugh "but then I found out that your all dead, because your so dangerous, but then Kamui came by" 'Kamui?' "He told me about you, and purposed a deal" "what deal?" "He catches you for me and I.." "you what, kill me?" "Bring back the blood line" "your crazy" "of course I am". A huge crash was heard by both of you, he seemed surprised but tried to hide it, it didn't look like it was his doing, and as much as you could see your family wasn't reacting so it couldn't be in this world, but outside of this , place you call it.You felt your blood rise from the ground as both of your quirks were ready. Suddenly, Fire from him and water as well came flowing up from around him as he also prepared to fight. 'Who knows how many quirks he has, all of the people he went through for them, dear god.' Was all you could think. With that you ran towards him and attacked him with your quirk. You fought as everything around you was silence and un touched. Neither of you could hear the family talking, as it all slowly faded to grey hues. As you both fought you both kept getting weaker but will to win grew stronger. You both fell back on your feet from the clash running up in the air clashing again, he threw what looked like a fusion of electricity your direction while water surrounded his body. With quick thinking you tried 'your technique' it failed the first time, but it would be different now. As the massive orb of electricity flew your direction you captured it in your black matter, with all the strength you had in your body you turned it around your body sending it back with more force, he tried blocking it with water but only to his demise as it shocked his body. He flew back as smoke raised from his body of burn. He didn't move as he laid on the floor not facing you, you grew tired and fell to your knees slowly, falling over you didn't hit the ground.

As your eyes slowly closed you saw a familiar hand holding yours.

He's here

While your fight was going on :

As everyone went on with the operation, Bakugo and All might entered the building. "~~All might, there are some people here~~" everyone heard. "~~How many~~" Bakugo asked as he got ready to blow the floor open. "~~Looks like, over 300. They're alive but knocked out, also....~~" "Also what, hurry and speak~~" "there are dead body's hanging from the sealing~~" Bakugo froze for a moment facing All might wise eyed as he gave a stern look back with a hint of worry "I-is any of those match our target, (y-y/n)??.." he asked with caution. There was a long pause which made him go pale. "~~HEY ARE YOU DEAF, DO ANY BODIES IN THAT ROOM MATCH-~~" "~~Negative, we had someone do a quick scan, none of these bodies match (y/n)'s~~" "~~then proceed with mission as planned~~" All might decided to speak in and said "~~No we have to get out everyone in there first, I want all teams  to help get everyone out~~" "~~Yes all might sir~~" Bakugo turned to All might not speaking into the radio "What are you doing, we have to save (y/n)!" "Bakugo, you should know better then to leave 300 people lying on the floor, remember your priorities" "Fine, then how about this, we both go forward as all the other teams take care of the situation there, if we need back up we have more then enough room to do so" All might happy, how well he could think with a cool head was mesmerizing, he was proud in a way "That's a good idea, nice thinking Bakugo, I'll tune it in that we'll be going forward" "yeah whatever" Bakugo was distracted as he remembered walking you home in his mind as he stood in the poorly lit building. He remembered you studying sessions and how to acted in class. He then pulled out something he had hid in the back of his suit. Your sweater, he clutched it in his grip putting it away quickly as he smashed the floor open beneath him in a hurry to find you. It created a large anyone could hear miles away, this is where everyone knew that they would be heard and to be cautious.

All might and Bakugo jumped in to a room with a metal desk in it. They looked around a bit making sure no one was in the room. Bakugo then looked at the laptop on the desk. It had your profile loaded on it, everything about you was written there. He opened the cabinet to see large glass containers of blood, shocked he opened more cabinets to see things like needles with blood stains on them. He picked up one of the bottles while his hands shakes in shock. He turned the bottle to read a label that ripped him apart on the inside.

'(Y/N)'s Blood'

He hesitantly put it back quickly reaching for more, as he read all of them with your name he kept getting anxious and needed to find you. All might was going to put a hand on Bakugo's shoulder trying to re assure him. Before he could touch his though Bakugo said "I'll kill the fucker" All might froze at his words and backed his hand away. Bakugo put the bottle down and turned to All might with eyes gleaming with rage although only he could tell he was feeling destroyed inside.

Just then blood came flying as a door broke down, All might shielded Bakugo with the steel table next to them. Bakugo got ready to fight as he had his hands ready for his quirk. As All might threw the desk away from them it revealed a man with in a dark cloak with mere red orbs peeking from under a hood. Just then Bakugo remembered

"Hey, what were you and Kirishima doing this morning"
"Oh, I was being stalked by some guy and he got there to protect me"
"What?! Do you remember what he looked like?, anything"

"no he was wearing a hood so I couldn't tell, all I could tell really was he had red eyes and was really tall"

Bakugo's eyes grew wide with anger as he screamed running towards the Man screaming "BASTARD, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!" He lunged and started attacking him with hundreds of explosions. The man dodged most of them except the last one which he fell to his back because of Bakugo was going to lunge at him again until All might stopped him "Wait Bakugo, we don't know if he has her yet neither how powerful he is, let's fight this together." "WAIT?!WAIT?! THIS IS THE GUY WHO STALKED HER HE KNOWS WHERE SHE IS HES THE REASON" he stuttered on his words as he spoke further "T-the reason she's not with me right now" he said head hung low starring at him devilishly. "Sadly I don't know where she is at the moment, they're both gone" Said the man dusting himself off getting up. Bakugo whispered confused "both gone?" "He doesn't have her, that means someone else does, listen Bakugo if you want to save her we get through him first" Bakugo hung his head low but nodded as he spoke up "Who are you and what do want with her" "That's irrelevant" "Your quirk, are you a Zomaru?" Asked All might. The mans eyes lit up as he spoke "Ah, All might I know you all to well" All might was confused before he spoke up "That night was fun but, you didn't manage to kill me" All might couldn't be more confused. "No...Kakiya didn't die that night but...he did die later on but-" "DONT COMPARE ME TO THAT TRAITOR,MY BROTHER IS NOTHING LIKE ME!" "Brother?! No I killed them both, I had to. With my bare hands you can't be alive" "well your unlucky then" All might couldn't believe it, he sweared that he had killed 2 of 'The Sins', he started doubting himself. 'Did I really not kill one of them, did I let two go? Did I even kill any of them, are they still alive??' His head was flooding with questions but he put them to the side and focused on his target. "Bakugo, go ahead and find (Y/N), I'll take care of things here" "But I thought you said-" "Things just got personal; just go find her, she needs you more then ever" without hesitation when All might attacked his opponent Bakugo rushed past him and ran down the corridor.

"I'm coming for you"

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