Ruff Start

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You both sat there in silence as your teacher paced back and forth silently. He's been like this for five minutes, really giving you the idea you screwed up. "(Y/N)" "y-yes sir" "How Long have you been here, in my class" "um-" "only a few hours and you managed to already get into a fight, not only that but destroy part of school property. Your both lucky the school can pay that off but there are consequences" Bakugo grunted and muttered a low "This all your fault" you were going to say something but got cut off by Aizawa "Your no less Bakugo, and that high temper of yours won't justify your anything for certain." Silence filled the room for a moment, Aizawa then sighed and gave you both a piece of paper. "Now, as for the consequences. You BOTH are restricted from using your Quirks for a week, unless of course it's for the hero course, your parents will be signing this and we will want to meet with them to regard the behavior. Honestly, how could you both screw up so badly on the 3 day?" He said looking awfully disappointed. "Bring your parents in today after school" he said leaving the room as the bell for lunch rang. Just then Bakugo lashed out at you "IF YOU DIDNT BREAK THE DAMN FLOOR EVERYTHING WOULD HAVE BEEN FINE" "ME?! HOW ABOUT YOU!!, YOU ATTACKED ME FIRST!!" Aizawa opened the door again and looked at us both with glowing red eyes "I hear you two fighting again and I'll have you stripped from this course got it?" You gulped down hard and said "r-right" while on the other hand Bakugo crossed his arms and said "yeah yeah, I get it". We both exchanged a look before leaving out the room.

After school
After school you pulled out the paper you were supposed to get signed by your parents, but yours are dead. That's when the images replayed again in your head. Burning streets, blood everywhere and the bodies of your dead parents. You clenched the fabric above your chest leaning on a wall for support. Whenever those images would flash it always made you feel anxious and nauseous. Just then you were released from your trance when you felt two small taps on your shoulder, you turned around to Midnight. "Hey kid, what's wrong? First day not going out so well?" "Huh, oh not really..." you said handing her the paper for her to see for herself. She read it and laughed a bit before messing up your hair. "Hah! I knew I liked you, already getting into fights on the first day!" "It's not a good thing ya'know" you said snatching the piece of paper back. "Well, where are you parents?" "They're not here..." "Not here? What do you mean?" "They...dies a long time ago, when I was 6" she looked a little shocked then smiled nonetheless messing up your hair another time. "That's alright kid I'll sign that for you" she snatched the paper and took a pen out and signed it. You looked at her in shock and and she threw an arm on your shoulder and started walking towards the classroom. You felt kind of happy and smiled a little, it was like she was acting like your mother, in fact I wonder if she ever did work with my mother?.

Once you were there you saw Bakugo with his mom, they looked just like each other, no difference at all except she looked a little sweeter then him. Bakugo saw you and gave you and gave you a dead stare before looking up to midnight when his brain blew apart. All that was going through his mind was 'That's (Y/N)'s mom, Midnight?! She's the daughter of an S rated hero?! Wait who's the Father, why doesn't anyone know? Why is...' a ton of questions were going through his mind when you both saw Aizawa. He looked at Bakugo and his mom then me and Midnight, he also looked plenty confused. He shook his head and said "Let's talk this over inside"

Inside the classroom you guys talked about why it all happened and how each of you should be scolded for your mistakes. You all also talked about how you both could possibly get along with each other, what a waste. But your 'beloved Mother' came up with the plan for after school study sessions, 'why must you do this Midnight' she could tell you hated her idea and gave you an evil grin indicating, she will make you do it. She was certainly keeping up to the role Mother well. After that Bakugo's mom and yours shook hands with Aizawa as you all headed out, just as we got out, Bakugo's mom started scolding him for his attitude and how he should behave towards women. She was only scolding him at first but then she started smacking him, you snickered as Midnight went over to Bakugo's mom to possibly talk and calm her down. They both started talking like old friends while you and Bakugo stood there exchanging looks as they kept going with their conversation. Soon enough they started walking away laughing causing you and Bakugo panic. "H-Hey! Where are you two going?!" Yelled Bakugo annoyed. "We'll be going out, now be a gentle man and drop (Y/N) home and go home too!" Then Midnight spoke "Yes! And if I see you fighting (Y/N) I wont go easy on you" with that, they scurried off leaving you and Bakugo alone. You both growled at each other and you turned around saying "I can walk myself home, I don't need help" he grabbed your arm and pulled you back saying "My mom is gonna kill me if I don't walk you home so I'm stuck with you" "Heh, big hero scared of his mom?" "As if! And if anything you should be too, your moms a fricken hero, a good one too. She'll beat your ass" With that you both started walking "She's not my mom" "What?! Well she's not your dad that's for certain, who is she to you then?" "Honestly I'm not sure, she was the one that recommended me to U.A, so maybe a teacher" "Oh...why didn't you bring your parents, what happened they couldn't take the shook of you getting into fights? Haha" "No,actually it's because they're dead..." He instantly regretted laughing and pulled a shocked face. He looked a little sad but didn't apologize because well....he is Bakugo. "Oh....what happened to them?" You didn't know whether to tell him or not, if someone besides him figured out they might kick you out of U.A for being technically 'part villain' but you rather associate yourself with a hero. "You alright?" He asked looking at your blank face as you were in thought. "Huh, oh yeah they were killed by a Villain when I was 6" "Oh, we're they hero's" "why are you so interested all of a sudden?" "Tell me, would you rather walk home cursing at each other then getting beat by midnight and my mom or this?" "I suppose your right..." you guys started to get to the more run-downed part of the city where you lived. This is where everything burned down that night, houses,shops...and even families were burned away. Bakugo got a little tense as he didn't really like this part of the city all to much I guess. "Hey I remember, there was a Fire here, it was caused by a Villain i think. A lot of people died that night, a few hero's died too." "Yeah, it was terrible, Nothing was left beside cement on the floor" "Yeah, I think I remember the names of the hero's. One was Marine man, Supreme tornado, Brave Fire And Matter no,viper, sting? ughhh-" "Black matter" "Heh I knew your parents were hero's" "W-what? I didn't say they were hero's" "More than 100 hero's died in this incident, for you to choose Matter out of all the ones you could have chosen says something, not only that but your quirk kind of looks like it would be called black matter" "well aren't you a smart ass Bakugo, way smarter then you look" "don't change the topic, speak up. What aren't you telling me and why" "Ok you caught me, my moms a hero alright, satisfied?" "Heh! You think, that's not what your hiding, I can't lay my finger on what exactly but I have a feeling I'll figure out" "Great, now your going to be on ass the whole time" "You think, I got better things to do then try to figure out your shitty history" With all that talking you reached your home. Your house wasn't all that pretty. It looked a bit run down but you managed to fix everything from air conditioning, water pipes, plumbing. It was nice from the inside but not very much from the outside, probably for the best for you. "So this is where you live?" He said eyeing the buildings graffiti and obvious marks of burn from fire. "Yeah, it is. You want anything?" You said opening the door to the lights turning on automatically. I mean, your mom was a hero so you did have the luxury to those small things. "Nah, I'll be on my way home" "Alright be safe, who knows a Villain might try and kill you in this part of town" you said obviously trying to scare him."Will if I do run into one I'll make sure to beat his ass so we're even, your not going to be the only hero some day" "In your dreams Bakugo, in your dreams" you said closing the door. You quickly looked through the blinds to see him still standing there laughing a little to himself before leaving off, he looked kind of cute.

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