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Bakugo reached to a door, he opened it aiming his hand for any enemy's that could be lying behind but he saw nothing. He walked forward and ultimately fell down as if he had walked into a wall, confused he put his hand on what he bumped into and went around to realize it was some huge box. He was very confused he couldn't see anything and looked around for something to help him. He look on the side and saw a plate. It had crumbs and a box of cranberry juice next to it. The cranberry juice was in touched and he got a plan.

Bakugo opened the container of juice and rubbed it all over the mysterious box to see it better since it was invisible. While doing so he heard something, he put his ear to the box and heard something like fighting when he heard a fighting. He couldn't hear much but he swore he heard grunts of people fighting. This had to be you, if it wasn't then he didn't know what to do anymore. "(Y/N) !! (Y/N) CAN YOU HEAR ME!! HEY IM HERE!! "  it was no use though as he got no response. Bakugo tried to break the invisible box covered in cranberry with all his strength only to run his hand over what felt like a scratch it seemed useless but if you were there he had to try. He kept punching at the invisible box back to back using his quirk to no avail. Even though he was growing tired and his hands were bleeding he kept going. With every punch he grunted as blood splattered over the invisible box. He stopped to take a breather in exhaustion. He was losing hope but remembered your sweater...he swore he would give it back to you, and he'll do just that. With everything he had he sent another punch then another until a whole formed which he blew open to get in.

He stepped into a room, it looked like yours but dull and grey like it was fading. He heard explosions from below him as he ran down towards the explosions everything behind him faded slowly and turned grey. The furniture melted away into the ground as nothing was left but a endless grey box. Then he saw you and another man who had fallen and was smouldering with smoke. You dripped in blood head to toe and clothes were torn.

He couldn't believe if it was really you he shot up with happiness but then you started falling slowly to your knees he yelled your name but not even him could hear anything anymore, not even his own voice. He quickly ran over to your figure quickly as he swiftly caught you in his arms. You were flushed white and eyes looked dull and tired. He held your hand as his was shaking scared. You didn't move your head but saw his hand gripping it slightly which re assured him even though he gulped nervously as you closed your eyes. He set you down on floor next to him gently before walking over to the man on the floor.He looked at him in rage as he got ready to shoot an explosive at him from his hand. Right before he could the Psycho turned over and whispered something and in a blink of an eye, Bakugo was in streets filled with fire as buildings were burning down.

He knew this was all fake from when seeing everything melt to grey. He knew it was only his quirk so he carelessly walked through fire just to make sure he couldn't be hurt through the actions of this place. Bakugo saw you on the side of a building laying down unconscious. He quickly ran over to make sure you were still fine, which you were besides the fact you had passed out. "Why the hell did you have to get involved! I could have easily taken her back and everything wouldn't went back to normal but no. You just had to interfere!" Yelled a man in rage to Bakugo. Something sparked in the psychos mind "Wait a second, your the man she said that will come aren't you, she told me you would" Bakugo widened his eyes as he grew confidence knowing that (y/n) knew that he would come for her. He gleamed at the man in front of him as his quirk started to rise up. Fire and water was all he could make out, "What the hell did you do to her, speak and I'll make sure I walk away from your dead body without kicking first" "Ha and I thought I was the crazy one, do you really think your about to kill me?! Your crazy! But I'll tell you anyways since it doesn't matter when your dead. It's simple, I want to multiply her quirk, so I tried to multiple her blood, it almost worked and I had to go through so many test subjects too but she just decided she wanted to fight me! Can you believe that?! She's so un considerate" "Bakugo grinded his teeth together as small sparks formed in his hands. "You're going to pay for this with your life ass hole" "Man you must be the reason she has such a bad mouth when she's angry, what a bad influence but I'll make sure that you won't be around to that anymore"

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