You Can't Win

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"~~Bakugo, All might. Everyone is in position~~" Was heard through the speaker as they all crept in the vicinity of a building. "~~Great then lets start~~" With that the mission played out.

Your POV
You woke up after a long night of struggling with your chain to get free to see some cranberry juice and bread at the side of your bed. You were so ready to eat that food since it been so long you had stuffed anything down. While reaching for it you realized that you weren't dizzy and light headed anymore, meaning your body's blood must be back to standard. You ate the bread realizing another thing-your chains were gone. "What the hell?" You whispered while your mouth was full of bread. You quickly got up running to the door but fell down in the process "ok...maybe I'm still a little...light headed" you spoke to yourself . You got back up and jiggled the door handle finding it open, but you only opened it to your disappointment. "Man, I can't even trust you not to escape, honestly.." he shook his head I tried walking back tiredly yelling "I'm the last person you should trust, one back to me and I'll kill you" he laughed approaching me wrapping his arms around my back saying "not in the condition your in" I kicked his shin with the back of my foot and he got the sign to back off. "Yesh, alright. By the way Kamui is back, he wants to talk to you" 'Kamui?' You mentally asked yourself. Oh right, the man who stalked you, the man responsible for putting you in this situation. "Well you can tell him to go back to hell" "Stop being so difficult, you should talk like that about your uncle" "I'll say what ever the fu-uncle? What do you mean uncle!?" He put his hands in his pockets turning away from facing you. You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down to your face "you know everything about me, about my dad and my life. You also know my uncles are DEAD, so what do you mean when you called this man my uncle" you could feel your quirk rising up as blood from your hands started to stain his collar.

He pushed you away and grabbed the back of your neck in one hand while twisting your arm behind your back with the other "watch it (y/n), I don't like to be rough with you but don't get ahead of yourself. Meet him and you'll understand what the hell I mean" his grip tightened as he got frustrated. My blood was back up to level, so I can fight this shit. But I don't know his quirk, I have to be careful. You looked at the open door which lead to the room with a steel table you were strapped too, there wasn't any door in or out of this whole place but it had to be some where there, like a secret door. Suddenly your black matter formed around your body shopping him as it hardened around your arm as an extra layer breaking you free of his grip. Jumping back you faced him to fight as black matter floated around you. He was a little shocked at first my slickly put his hands in his pocket smirking. "You can't win this" "watch me" with that you sent bullets of black matter his direction. He didn't move, he simply raised his hand out his pocket and and whispered something. Just like that, the whole room changed. Everything around you was gone in an blink of an eye and around you was...your home? Baffled you started around for a bit. "Looks familiar?" He said coming around the corner of a room. "What is this?" "What does it look like" just then the door bell ringed you looked towards the door as a shadow stood outside of it. "I'll get it!" Screamed a little girl running out from the bedroom, getting on her tippy goes to close the bedroom door. It looked like she was walking towards you "hey, what are you doing here?" She didn't answer your question, you reached out to her as you bent down to her level. She kept walking to you, you opened your mouth to say something but...

She walked right through you.

Your mouth fell open confused as you stood their crouched. "Isn't she so cute, doesn't she remind you of someone?" That's right it does, it's you. She was about to open the door when "wait (y/n), let me open it" said a lady in the kitchen. 'If that's me then that must be.." she came out the kitchen cautiously opening the door, it was a tall man wearing a long coat. With deeming red eyes peeking under a hat. 'That looks like the man who kidnaped me, what is Kamui doing I my house, I don't remember this at all' you said to yourself. You heard a faint laugh from you know who in the distance, he was laughing at how distressed you were about all this right now. The tall man took off his hat and coat revealing himself. It was your dad.

'Why did he remind me of Kamui? Could he really be my uncle' you started to snap out of it seeing the family greet each other as your dad gave you his signature pat on the head with a tiny smile. "What is this? You questioned sternly getting up facing your capturer "once again, what does it look like" he said walking in front of the family. You shot another bullet of black matter at him which he simply dodged as it went through the family confirming your suspicions. "So it isn't real, good. I can kill you then" your blood boiled up as it came cracking up from the floor, you motioned your arm as a wave of blood came rushing towards him. Suddenly fire also came from the floor making a wall for him. 'Two quirks?' The fire slowly came down replacing it with a gleaming smirk on his face. "This, oh this. Is gonna be fun"

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