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It was now the third week of school, and everything began to settle in nicely. The sports festival was coming up soon and you were determined to do well, anything between 1-5 place your gonna take. You were on your way to school when you saw someone standing in the shadow of a building. You looked only for a second to notice it was a person with a hood, you could see glowing red eyes staring at you, you only stared back for a minute before starting to walk to school. The whole time you you could tell someone was following you and you didn't appreciate it. You didn't know what to do because I'm this situation it would be better if someone was with you. Once you got into the more busier part in the city you lost sight of your stalker. You kept walking nervously until you bumped into someone "sorr-" was all you said before peeking at those same red eyes under his hood. You quickly moved past him and ran forward and he kept following you. 'He's trying to get me alone, since I got out fast from the run-downed part in the city he didn't get a chance to get to me and there's to many people here.' You said in your head mentally analyzing the situation. Just then someone draped an arm over your shoulder pulling you to their chest walking fast. "What the-" "he's still there, he's still watching you" said a voice you knew by Kirishima. You sighed in relief as you both walked along. You both got out of the busy part of the city and to the walls of U.A high. You looked back to see him standing there just staring as if this was a warning for something, but what? Then in almost a split second he was gone. You both sighed heavily in relief leaning on to him for support. "What the hell was that about?" He asked you "I don't even know myself, he followed me from my house till here. I think he was trying to get me alone or something. He didn't get a chance to me though because thankfully you were there. Thanks a lot" "No sweat! But you got to be careful, I saw you bump into him there. Here" he said taking your phone from your backpack pocket "I'll put my number in just Incase, just call me if you need help for anything" you smiled and he pat your head as if you were a kid. "Now come on, we'll be late for class!" He said reaching down for your hand pulling you along.


It was lunch now and your were packing your bag to get out of class when you saw Bakugo,he didn't look so happy. He walked over to you enraged and growled "Hey, what were you and Kirishima doing this morning" "Oh, I was being stalked by some guy and he got there to protect me" "What?! Do you remember what he looked like?, anything" "no he was wearing a hood so I couldn't tell, all I could tell really was he had red eyes and was really tall" "oh...but what was going on with you and Kirishima?" "Didn't I just tell you?" "Not that! He was all over you! Arm around your shoulder, touching your head moreover he gave you his number didn't he?!" "Woah! Calm down Bakugo, he was just-" he cut you off by taking your phone from your hand and deleting his number, adding his own. "What the-Bakugo! Come on-" he grabbed your forearm and pulled you centimeters away from his face towering over you. "Don't go near him, if you need anything your asking me from now on, I'm coming by your house tomorrow morning be ready" he said letting your arm go still keeping you in his gaze. "What's wrong with you? I'll do whatever I want to, what does it matter to you?!" You said walking backwards to your bag. He just growled in response and said "Ugh-forget it, we're not supposed to fight anyways. Come on let's go have lunch" "Yeah,I'll be with Midoriya and Uraraka thank you very much" you huffed as you left he was going to say something but only growled as you left. He saw you left your sweater and was going to give it to you but he knew it was a bad time, so he decided that he would just give it to you during yours and his studying session.

The whole day you tried not to talk to him because you knew that you both would've got into a fight if you met each other so instead you just stared at each other.

By the end of the day you were really injured by training and didn't have a lot of strength, for using up your quirk and trying to keep the other one hidden it was hard to balance out. You were supposed to go to study session with Bakugo but you didn't want to meet him. Instead you decided to trudge your way home sore from training.

Little did you know that someone was waiting for you outside too.

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