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You could hear sounds of screams and sounds of banging in your sleep, you slowly stirred out of sleep to see you were in a small room. It took you some time to focus but you saw some guy sitting on a table kicking his feet humming a tune, his size indicated he was your age.You tried to move your hand but saw it was pinned down by some kind of metal, your whole body was and you had a light over you. The man sitting on the steam table in front of you turned and saw you were awake, he wore a black mask with a black hood. His eyes were a dual purple and orange. He had scares going down both eyes "Oh! Your awake, about time! I thought Kamui might of killed you! Ha!" He jumped off the table and walked towards you, you struggled a little but you were too weak "oh! Forgot to tell you, don't try to move, it useless I've drugged you" "w..what do y-you want?" "Me? Well for starters I would love some ice cream right now but- oh wait you must've meant something else. Sorry I do that." He rubbed the back of his head and awkwardly smiled and said "We'll, I basically work with my friend Kamui aka the guy that knocked you out and we run a lab!" You looked at him puzzled and he elaborated "o right, so this lab is designed for the soul purpose of you, I know who you are. You have 2 quirks, your mothers and your fathers." "W-why does that have anything to do with you?" He chuckled and said "Well we want that power, and your our way there. You see, what if we all had two quirks, or what if we could use your DNA to multiple the quirk so that just one person could have 5!7!. Or if you simply conceived, would that child have 3 quirks?!" He took a breath and came and leaned over you and said "your basically my little toy (Y/N), isn't that great!" You struggled more as the drug started to weaken. "Oh! Looks like someone's not taking their medicine!" He went over to a table and got out some drink. "Alright say "Aaaa!" You struggled and he got a little frustrated and grabbed you head keeping it in place whispering "They're a lot of different ways I can make sure you take this, I don't think you would like them very much, so this is me being nice. Now drink" he pushed the drink near your face. You didn't open you mouth until he dug his nails into your arm, you opened your mouth to yell and he poured the drink in and pinched your nose to make sure you swallow. You felt weak but not sleepy, you couldn't really move that well. He stroked your head and said "that's a good girl" he went back and got a needle out and injected it in your neck. You whimpered from the pain and she stroked your head hushing you "shhhh it'll all be over soon" once he was done he said "now those should keep you from using your quirk while we run test." He put a light over your face and said "now, let's get started!"

Next morning at U.A

"Your late!" "I'm sorry Bakugo, I went to get-" "save it, let's go" "r-right" All night and Bakugo went back to the building where the trail leaded. "You come in after me" Bakugo nodded as he sat in his hero costume around the corner waiting for all might to give the all clear. "Come in! It's clear" Bakugo walked in seeing that the building was an old apartment building, it was hard to notice since the outside is so rubbed down. "Check every room for anything funny, anything at all. Call me right away when you do see something" Bakugo said to All might as they split up, all might was happy to see that Bakugo might be changing. He seemed more calmer and intelligent, probably because your at risk here after all but he's not going to be a changed man in one day but he was glad to see progress.

1 Hour later

Almost all the rooms were checked and All might and Bakugo still haven't found anything at all. Bakugo went to go check the last from and found-nothing. He slammed his fist on the wall creating a hole to the room beside.He started getting stressed and mad "where the-what do I-UGH!!" It took him a few minutes before he was ok again and he looked at his phone and got an idea. He went down to all might and rushed him they had to leave quickly, and go to your house. There Bakugo went to your room again and started to go through the draws "try to find something like a box that a phone would come in, or something like a phablet on how to use the phone" "you mean like this?" All might held up and phone box to Bakugo" "yeah that's exactly it, come on we gotta go back to you office" once they got back Bakugo opened all mights laptop on his desk and started typing things in. "Bakugo, what are you doing?" "Shut it! Let me focus" he continued punching in numbers till he stopped and took a breather. All might looked at the screen to see he was using the schools student tracker. Since the school was a hero academy the students would be one of the prime people to be targeted by villains so they made a tracker for where the students card is considering they might have it with them if they do get kidnapped, then they would be able to find them. "Bakugo don't you have her card with you, what good will this do us?" "I know, I do. But what if we change the numbers to her phones ID number instead of the ID card?" "Then it would track the phone" "exactly" on the screen then came up an pin pointed area in the runner down part of town where they came from. "It worked! It seems she might be somewhere underground though" "then we'll just have to go find her" Bakugo was about to leave until All night grabbed his forearm "Bakugo, I want the whole class A to come along with us, it would be better to go with more people and we'll-" "No, why would we put a whole class in risk, we don't even know who we're dealing with, they could be dangerous, I mean you couldn't even catch her dad back then and now you think the whole class can?" "Bakugo we should it's-" "No!" "Why do you care so much?!" "Because I-" he stopped mid way through to see All might with a large smile on his face and arms crossed. All might ruffled his hair waking out saying "See you tomorrow Bakugo and...don't worry, we'll get her back" he blushed for a second and came back to his senses "h-hey! We can still go looking! Just because it's night that doesn't mean anything!, are you listening to me?! Hey!!"

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