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WILLA FREY WAS BORN SILENTLY, with wisps of blonde hair and a smile that never seemed to leave her face. Her father was nowhere near at the time, but it didn't matter. All the newborn baby needed was her mother. Her mother had fought so hard to bring her into this world, and she was going to fight to keep her in it.

When Walder Frey first saw his new baby girl, he nearly had her mother killed for adultery. The babe had been so beautiful, there was no way the child was his, but as he looked closely, he could see the distinction of faint Frey features.  For the first time at the twins, bells rang to symbolize the birth of a new Frey child, and unlike the ones to come before, this babe was more beautiful and more golden than any Lannister in Casterly Rock.

Willa was a curious child growing up. It used to be said that she began reading at the mere age of two. She found she loved old Westeros history at age five. She'd often read outside, sitting on the bridge, listening as the water rushed under, only to be dragged inside by her siblings. Her mother would scold her, telling her that it was unsafe for her to be out there, but Willa didn't believe her. She didn't believe anything could harm her.

That changed when Willa's mother fell ill just a few days after her sixth name day.

"You're beautiful Willa," her mother had told her on her death bed, "You're smarter than any of them. Find you a good husband and get as far away from this place as you can."

Her mother's last words weren't ones of love, but rather a warning. Willa didn't understand at first. Her father seemed to love her, as did her brothers and sister.

But Willa would grow to understand. As she got older and grew into the beautiful looks her mother had bestowed her, Willa began to receive unwanted attention. This attention came from, not only servants in the castle, but from her very own family members. She noticed the leering looks of her brothers.

It was mainly her older brother Walder, named for their father. He had been born a bastard, and he met the expectations of what Willa thought a bastard would be, ungrateful and disgusting. He had a terrible temper, that would occasionally have Willa cowered in a corner.

Willa woke one night to see her bastard brother, stroking her hair in the night. He whispered in her ear that he'd never seen a girl as beautiful as her, that he was surprised they were even related. Willa screamed as loud as she could, but Walder put his hand over her mouth.

"Shut up you little bitch," He told her. He'd smacked her on the face, leaving a scratch. He continued to hold his hand over her mouth and he started to hit her. Willa bit his finger and continued to scream, but Walder silenced her again.

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