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"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Willa questioned as she stormed the throne room

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"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Willa questioned as she stormed the throne room. Seeing Joffrey sit upon the Iron Throne made Willa feel as though she was staring at a child sit on their father's throne.

Upon seeing her, Joffrey smiles and stands from his throne, "Willa! I am happy that you are here," he glances over his shoulder at his mother who smiles and nods. Joffrey moves forward, standing directly before Willa, taking her hands within his own.

"Now that I am king I can make my own marriage alliances. I want you to be my wife," Joffrey tells her in a soft tone. It's so soft that Willa nearly forgets that this isn't who Joffrey is and what he's done.

Willa snatches his hand from his grasp, "Where is Lord Stark?"

Joffrey scoffs, "Haven't you heard?" he asks, returning to sit on the throne, "He tried to steal the Iron Throne from me. He claimed I was not a legitimate heir. He's a traitor to the realm."

"Lord Stark would never do that! He is an honest man!" Willa exclaimed, her eyes drift to the queen, "Where's Sansa?"

"She's safe," Cersei answered.

Willa finally took a chance to take in her surroundings. There were guards everywhere, she didn't miss how a few had their hands on the hilt of their swords, ready to draw if Joffrey or Cersei gave a command. Any confidence she had was gone. There was no one to protect her.

"I'd like to go home," she said in a quiet voice.

"Home where? Winterfell or the Twins?" Cersei questioned, a smile growing on her face. She snapped her fingers and one of the guards moved quickly to produce a roll of parchment, "Your father has requested that you return home."

Willa's eyes widen, "No," she mutters, "You can't. I'm supposed to return to Winterfell and marry Robb."

"The Starks are traitors. Are you openly declaring that you want to marry a traitor?" Cersei asks, a frown on her face.

Willa doesn't know how to respond.

"Lady Willa, you do not have to return to your father," Joffrey tells her. She gives the prince, well king, her full attention. "You can remain here, as my wife."

It was an ultimatum, one that didn't seem to be in her favor. The decision was an easy one to make. If she married Joffrey, then she would be able to keep the Starks safe, maybe even get them out of King's Landing and back to Winterfell. She'd be able to protect those she cares about.

If she returned to her father, then she'd be closer to Winterfell, closer to Robb. She didn't know what type of abuse she'd endure, but Robb would come and save her once word got around that she was back at the Twins, but she wouldn't know what would happen to Arya, Sansa, and Bran. It was the selfish decision.

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