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WILLA SIGHED LOUDLY as Jaime gave his hundredth critic of the way the Northern boys were being taught to fight

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WILLA SIGHED LOUDLY as Jaime gave his hundredth critic of the way the Northern boys were being taught to fight.

"His stance isn't even correct, he'd never move quick enough to defen-"

"I've had it," Willa said irritably. Walking briskly across the courtyard, she made her way to Ser Rodrick who she had known her entire life, the man that she almost hated because he stole Robb from her hours on end.

"My Queen," he said bowing before her. Willa shook her head, waving for him to stand up.

"None of that Ser Rodrick. You've seen my fair share of temper tantrums, Willa is just fine," the older man chuckles at that.

"If you insist, My Lady."

Willa glances over to Jaime who's eyes remain on her, "I have a request."

"Anything," Rodrick answers.

"Ser Jaime thinks that he can teach better than you can. I would like to allow him to have a go with the boys, if that's all right with you?" Willa asks, already knowing that Rodrick will say yes at the opportunity to watch the Kingslayer embarrass himself.

"Of course, My Lady," Rodrick turns to gather the boys as Willa makes her way back over to Jaime. He has one eyebrow quirked as he looks at the young Queen. Willa smirks as she looks up at him.

"You get to teach the boys how to properly fight," Willa says. She gives him a nudge toward Rodrick and the boys, "Go ahead, your students are waiting."

Jaime frowns at her, and begrudgingly makes his way over to the group. Willa's too far out of hearing distance to hear what Jaime is saying, but she sees a couple of the boys crack a smile before pairing up and fighting against one another.

"So it's true then?" Willa glances over and sees Edric approaching, his arms crossed over his chest, "Jaime Lannister is your sworn sword?"

"Strange, isn't it?" Willa says watching him, "He's cocky and occasionally rude, but he's nothing like Cersei or Joffrey."

"He was always kind to me in King's Landing," Edric laughed, "As kind as you can be to a bastard."

Willa turns to Edric, "I never asked what that was like. Growing up with Joffrey must have been awful."

Edric chuckles, "It wasn't that bad. I mean I was Robert's favorite son, everything Joffrey wasn't. He once told me he wished I was his heir instead of Joffrey. My father loved me, but Cersei hated me. I'm surprised she didn't kill me, though I don't think Jaime would have allowed her to."

"Really?" Willa asked softly.

Edric nodded, "He trained me in sword fighting, at Robert's request of course, but he didn't treat me like I was a nuisance, he took it seriously. Told me I may even be a knight someday."

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