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AS WILLA ENTERED her old chambers she was hit with nostalgia

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AS WILLA ENTERED her old chambers she was hit with nostalgia. Everything was just how she left it, not a single thing was out of place.

She saw the cloak the Sansa had made for her resting on a chair. It felt good to be back in her room, to be back home. She remembered the nights she had spent her bed and the nights she had spent out of it, sneaking out with Robb, Rylen, and Theon to sneak wine more times than she could count.

She remembers how little Rickon's feet would patter against the floors until he stood outside Willa's door and waited for her to open it so she could get in her bed. His cold feet would brush against her legs, but she wouldn't say anything, just hold the boy until he fell asleep. Rickon was older now, and Willa didn't believe that he would no longer be sneaking into her room.

"Willa?" a small voice said. She turned to see Rickon, a whole foot taller, but he still wasn't as tall as her. A smile grew on Willa's face as she looked at the youngest Stark.


"You're home!" Rickon exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace Willa. She let out a giggle as she held Rickon close, no longer able to pick him up and hold him in her arms, but a hug was good enough.

"You've grown!" Willa said, pulling a way to get a better look at Rickon. He stared up at her with bright baby blue eyes that reminded her of Robb. Rickon looked so much like Robb when they were younger, especially with his shaggy dark auburn hair.

"I missed you so much, but when Arya and Bran got back, I knew you would be coming too!" Willa laughs, though Rickon was older, he was still Rickon.

She decides to leave her room and reexplore the castle when Maester Luwin calls Rickon and tells him it's time for his lessons. Rickon groans, but gives Willa another hug, a longer one than the first, before running off.

Willa glanced down at the courtyard of Winterfell, her ears filled with the laughter of Bran and Arya. As she scanned the courtyard, she saw Edric and Ethan training. Edric was giving the young boy a hard time, but Ethan was better than when he used to train with Jon and Robb.

Jon! Willa thought. She wondered how he was, how life was treating him at the Wall. Had he heard news of his father, or of his brother's march South? Or was Jon unaware of everything that had happened. If he was, Willa believed it to be for the best.

"I always did love a man who swung a sword," Willa rolled her eyes as she looked at the person speaking.

"Moved on from Jon so quickly?" Willa asked her best friend, who joined her. Rylen let out a sigh.

"He took the vow. I shouldn't waste my time pining over someone I can never have," Rylen's eyes drifted back to the courtyard. Edric knocked her younger brother to the ground, laughing as he held a hand out to help him up.

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