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"BRAN YOU CAN DO THIS," Willa encouraged as Bran niched the bow

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"BRAN YOU CAN DO THIS," Willa encouraged as Bran niched the bow. From beside her, Robb bumped her shoulder, smiling.

Bran aimed at the target, but the arrow missed severely. Willa tried to hold her laughter back, unlike Robb and Jon who openly laughed at the boy. Willa slapped Robb's arm, arrowing her eyes at him. When Robb met her gaze, he stopped laughing almost immediately and leaned over to help his brother with his posture. 

Over Robb's shoulder, Willa met the eyes of Jon Snow. He held her gaze before it dropped to Bran and Robb. She wasn't surprised, but slightly annoyed.

"Relax your bow arm," Bran did as instructed and before he could release, another arrow found itself lodged in the target. Willa turned her head swiftly to see Arya standing a few feet away, bow in hand. With a smile, she curtsied and Willa couldn't contain her giggles anymore.

Bran dropped his bow and ran after his sister, jumping over the divider that separated them.

"Careful!" Willa yelled after them, but they were too far away to hear her.

"Looks like Arya's lessons have paid off," Willa smiled up at Robb.

"See? My ideas are brilliant!"

Robb chuckled as he stared down at her fondly, "Yes they are, almost as brilliant as you."

Willa's cheeks flushed red, but her smile increased in size.

"Ew," Rickon said, as he helped Jon put the arrows away.

Willa raised an eyebrow as she looked down at him, "You have three seconds, Rickon."

The young boy giggled as he dropped the arrows he was holding and took off in a sprint. Willa grabbed hold of her dress and began to chase after the boy through the courtyard of Winterfell. When she finally caught him, she picked him up and began to place kisses all over his face.

"I yield," Rickon said between giggles.

"I show no mercy!" Willa then began to tickle him. Rickon was struggling in her arms, but Willa kept a firm grip on him.

"He yields," Robb said chuckling as he took Rickon from Willa. Rickon thanked his brother, and stuck his tongue out at Willa. Before the girl could react, Rickon ran away.

"My father has to deal with a deserter," Willa's face fell.

"You're leaving?" she asked, Robb chuckled ad pulled her into his arms. Willa breathed in his scent, which smelt oddly like cinnamon.

"It'll only be a few hours," Robb whispered into her hair. It caused Willa to hold him tighter.

"Come back to me. Unharmed," Robb pulled away and placed a kiss on Willa's forehead.

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