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ROBB STARK HATED Walder Frey. He despised the man with every single ounce of his being. If it were up to Robb, he would be the one to put Walder Frey out of misery. Robb didn't understand how a man like Walder Frey could live to see 90 years. The only reason why he was still alive could be because he was a coward on the battlefield, but that didn't change the fact that Walder Frey had men that could be useful to Robb.

"I would be willing to negotiate on your behalf," Roose Bolton says. Robb would accept, except he doesn't trust the Bolton. Roose's presence always leaves Robb unsettled, but he can't let it show. Robb is already a boy among men and expected to lead, he cannot show any signs of fear.

"No, I can handle this myself," and Robb means every word. He looks to Theon who nods beside him. Robb feels some sort of comfort knowing that Theon will be there. However, Robb still allows Roose and some of the other men to accompany him, because Robb isn't a fool and he trusts Roose Bolton far more than he trust Walder Frey.

The men are greeted by a tall young man. He isn't lanky, but he still has a boyish look to his features. He has golden blonde hair, just like Willa's, and Robb can't help but to wonder if this is Olyvar Frey, Willa's favorite brother.

"King Robb. It is a pleasure to host you here at the Twins. I am Olyvar Frey, the fourth son of Lord Walder Frey. My father is waiting for you in the Great Hall."

Olyvar begins to lead them into the dark castle and Robb can't believe that Willa grew up here. The girl he knows is as golden as the hair that sits on the top of her head.

How can such a bright thing come from such a dark place? he wonders.

They enter the Great Hall and Robb is surprised at the amount of people sitting there. He's not surprised when he sees Walder Frey sitting front and center. He's distinguishable by his balding head, and the few white hairs that sit atop it. Again, Robb wonders how something as beautiful as Willa came from this man.

"The King in the North, Robb Stark," Walder let out something resembling a chuckle, "You still look like a boy."

Robb's gaze drops to the floor as he bites his tongue. There is a chuckle among a few of Walder's sons, but not Olyvar or the men that stand beside them. He hears no laughter from behind him, meaning that his bannermen were not amused either.

"Lord Frey, may I speak with you alone?" Robb request. "We have much to discuss."

"Very well," the old man grumbles, "Out with the lot of you!"

Robb watches as Walder's son's move out of the Great Hall. His own bannermen are hesitant to leave him with Walder, probably afraid that he won't be able to make his own negotiations, Robb isn't too sure of himself either.

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