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WILLA MET THE BOYS at the gate as they prepared to go on the hunt with the King

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WILLA MET THE BOYS at the gate as they prepared to go on the hunt with the King. They were going to be gone for hours, but Willa was happy that the boisterous and loud king would be out of Winterfell for a little while. At the feast he had been quite a sight, kissing and feeling on any woman that would come near.

"Be safe," Willa's eyes shifted to Theon, "Both of you."

Theon scoffed proudly, crossing his arms over his chest. He stood as tall and as straight as his spine would allow.

"Robb's the one who needs to be safe, I like a little danger."

Willa sighed and looked to Robb, "Don't let him get killed by a stray boar."

Robb chuckled and Willa looked to Theon with a teasing smile. The Greyjoy grumbled something in response before turning to his horse.

"I think I've upset him," Willa said with a giggle.

Robb smirked, "That you have."

Wila turned to Robb smiling, as she poked his shoulder, "Are you sure you don't want to take Greywind?"

Robb chuckled, "Greywind, as small as he is? He might get stepped on."

Willa nodded, "You're right, it's best if he stays with me so I can protect him from wandering feet."

The two shared a laugh. Greywind was their baby. Out of all the Stark children, Willa and Robb cared for their wolf pup the most. Greywind was a spoiled pup, or that's what Sansa would say.

"Come on now Stark, tell Willa goodbye so we can get a move on," Theon said from a top his horse.

Robb gave Willa a kiss on her forehead, "I'll be back."

"You better," Willa said as she watched him get on his horse. She hated seeing Robb leave, she always feared that one day he wouldn't return. She gave him a wave before turning to see Bran and his unnamed direwolf.

"Hey," Willa said to him. The little wolf came up to her and began jumping on her legs. She kneeled down to pet him as she commonly did with the other wolves. "Still haven't thought of a name?"

"No," Bran said frowning, "It's harder than I thought."

Willa giggled, "Now you see the struggles that parents have."

Bran scoffed, "Naming me wasn't hard, I was named after my uncle Brandon."

Willa tilted her head as she stared at the boy, the wolf had gone back over to Bran now, nibbling at his boots.

"Well then name him after something," she suggested.

"But what?" Bran asked. Willa shrugged, it was all up to Bran.

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