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"WHERE ARE WE going?" Willa asked her older brother as he led her through the night

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"WHERE ARE WE going?" Willa asked her older brother as he led her through the night. She was on an unfamiliar part of the grounds. They had successfully made it out of the castle, but they were not safe yet. Her disappearance had not yet been noticed, nor had Sansa's.

"We're meeting Edric and Sansa near Maidenpool," Olyvar told her in a hushed tone. It would be nearly a days ride there, but they were walking.

"How long will it take?" Willa wondered, "Before we reach Maidenpool?"

"Maybe two or three days," Olyvar told her with a shrug.

They walked in silence for several minutes before Willa asked, "How did you meet Edric?"

Olyvar chuckled, "Robb came to the Twins, requesting to pass through Moat Catlin. He and father negotiated and I was given to Robb as a squire."

Willa's eyes widened, "Robb met father?"

Olyvar nodded, "He attempted to humiliate him, but nothing more."

"Did you hear of anything else in the negotiation?" Willa wondered. She had to be a part of the negotiation, there was no way she wasn't.

When Olyvar shook his head, Willa frowned. Her brother noticed and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Everything is going to be all right now. I promise I'll protect you, no matter what."

"Thanks," Willa said, but her voice was small and unsure. Olyvar had protected her when she was a girl, but there are more monsters in the world than the ones that were hiding in her castle. There were monsters everywhere.

"Roslin misses you," Olyvar said pulling her from her thoughts, "She's always been proud of you."

"And I of her," Willa said with a growing smile, "Has father married her off yet?"

"Surprisingly not," Olyvar said, "Roslin has been dying to escape however."

"She will," Willa muttered, "I will make sure of that."

Olyvar chuckled as he glanced down at her, "And what will you do little sister?"

"I'll march up to father and demand that Roslin be free to married to a prominent lord of her choosing. I'll bring Robb as my intimidation."

Olyvar shook his head as he let out another chuckle, "I wouldn't allow Robb before father. He might accidently slit his throat."

"Maybe Robb should," Willa muttered, "Put him out of his misery."

Olyvar stopped walking, his eyes trained on Willa. She had changed, there was no doubt in his mind, but she was no longer that bright girl he once knew. There was a hint of darkness, and a disdain for their father that had seemingly increased.

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