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   Millie's POV
   The feeling of Finn's soft lips made me give in. I no longer cared if David would get mad at me, I just wanted Finn. To think that I'm saying this about someone I truly and passionately used to despise is kinda crazy. But that hate is no loner there, that hate is replaced with something far more powerful. That hate is replaced with love..but neither of us want to even believe it. Soon we'll have to confess our feelings, but neither of us are ready. We aren't ready for a lot of stuff, but that's the beauty of having a connection with someone, especially someone like Finn. Someone who can make you feel something in a instant. Someone who doesn't even have to try and make you happy, you just automatically feel it with that person. Finn was that person. Finn was the person to make me feel chill, to make me forget about my problems.
  "Millie." I bolt my head up and look at Finn, his soft face looking directly at me. I can't help but to long for not only his lips, but him.
  "Since you're staying, do you wanna freshen up? Maybe take a shower?"
  "I-I don't have any clothes." I manage to get out.

  Just kiss me once more, I beg you

  "No worries, Chloe keeps some of her clothes here so I'm sure we can find you something. Follow me." Finn takes my hand again and leads me upstairs. He brings me to a purple closest door next to the bathroom, that said Chloe on the front. He tugs at it and it finally swings open. We're both exposed to the smell of perfume and cologne mixed in one. The closet was surprisingly huge, close enough to be a walk in.
"We keep a lot of stuff in here, she just put Chloe on the front because most of her stuff is in here. Feel free to look through the clothes. I'm sure she won't mind. Oh and if you chose to say any longer, this can be you're closet too. Chloe can take you shopping so you can get some clothes to keep here, it'll be like your second home." Finn's words make my eyes light up. He was being insanely kind and I almost couldn't take it. I loved to see him be so nice, especially to me.
"Finn that's - I - thank you, just thank you." I jump onto Finn and give him the biggest hug, but I quickly pull away. Awkwardness fills the room as we both just stand there not knowing that to say next.
"Millie it's really no big deal, just want to help you out."

It's the biggest deal, you have no idea how much you're protecting me right now

"Thank you Finn."
"Of course. Oh and hey, the shower sometimes gets stuck but don't panic if it doesn't work, and don't panic if the handle comes off. This house is kinda sorta old, so just screw them back on. Count to three every time you go up a notch, just to prevent it from going bonkers. It sounds like a lot, but after a while of being here, it'll totally feel like the norm. I'll be downstairs, take all the time you need, no rush." Finn makes his way downstairs leaving me astonished by his words. This freckled face boy who I thought would never mean anything to me, now is my life line. This boy is so many things to me, he just doesn't understand it yet.
  I rummage through the closet for clothes that I can throw on.

  Omg this girl has some good taste

  I can tell she's into to the 80's and 90's, just by looking at some of the styles of clothing. I've never seen this many clothes all at once, well except for when I walk around stores, but never in someone's possession.
  As I was about to give up, something extremely cute catches my eye. It was black satin shorts and a black shirt with a pineapple on the bottom left. I quickly snatch the items of clothing as well as a towel.
  As I think to myself, I come to the conclusion that I'm going to need bra and underwear, well..maybe not bra but I definitely needed underwear. To my luck, there was a pack of freshly unopened underwear from pink. I grab them, rip open the package and take a pair. I haven't been this excited about clothes in a long time, It felt good to be a girl for once and get happy over simple stuff like this.
  I take the clothes and the towel and make my way into the bathroom. I say my things down and remove my clothing. Next I remove the bandages from my bruises and cut. I know for a fact that the water is going to sting the many discolorations on my body, but I desperately needed a shower so it didn't matter.
  I slide the shower door open and step in. This house may be old, but at least they have a shower AND a bath. The whole bathroom was nice actually, disregarding Finn's words.
  Turning the nob slightly, I do exactly what Finn told me to do. As I move the notches up, I count to three. The water runs and it feels amazing. I point the shower head towards me and let the hot water run down my bare skin. I close my eyes and take it all in. I haven't showered since I has five. I've always taken a bath. Honestly and truly I forgot how this felt.
  I step out the shower and onto the rug. My feet clutch the fur beneath me, as water drips off of me. I take my towel and wrap it about my body, making sure to dry off properly. I open the closet in the bathroom to see if I could use another towel for my head. I find a smaller towel and take that one so I can dry off my head. My hair doesn't entirely dry, but it's not soaking anymore.
  I set the towels down and look back in the closet for some lotion. Luckily Chloe has some in here from bath and body works. I take the lotions labeled beautiful day, and apply to my skin. Feeling this clean is a blessing that many people ask advantage of, me, I'll never take advantage of it. I set the lotion down and put on my clothes. The shorts are shorter then then things I usually wear, and the shirt happens to be a crop top. I shrug it off and decide that it doesn't really matter.
The last the thing I do is peak through the things in the closest, trying to find some concealer. When I spot it, I take it from the shelf and pop the top off. I squeeze some out the bottle and apply it to my tattoo that says 011. I rub it in, making sure that it covers it completely, I don't want it to spark a conversation.
  I gather my things and walk out the bathroom. Not knowing what to do, I call Finn.
  "Yea!" Finns voice is muffled, by slightly clear.
  "Can you come here please?" It goes silence for a second, then Finn's heavy footsteps clobber up the stairs. His eyes go wide and he licks his lips, looking me up and down.
  "You look..pretty..good...pretty good."
  "Thanks." I shoot him a small smile and he returns it.
  "Oh here let me take that. Josh will wash then, it's his week." He takes the clothes from my hands and throws them into a hamper that sat outside of a room.
  "I um...I need some more bandages."
"Oh yes of course. Chloe put them back in her bag, I'll go get them." Finn walks to a room, which appear to me Josh's room. He then comes out with a bag and and sits down on the top of the stairs. I do the same and he starts to rip open bandages. He places them on me and hands me some so I can do the same.
"Finn, thank you." I tell him as I break the silence between us.
"For what?"
"For this, for everything. You didn't have to help me or anything...but you did. You didn't and I really appreciate it." Finn looks at me with soft kind eyes, then shakes his head.
"Millie, how many times do I have to say it. It's no big deal."
"Yea well it's a big deal to me. You're helping me a lot." I continue to apply the bandages on my skin. Finn places his hand on my thighs and leans closer. I tense up and my breath becomes heavier, I hate that he has this affect on me.

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