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No this isn't an update because the story is already over, but I've got some things to say.

WOW! It's FUCKING CRAZY, how much love this story still gets. People are still reading it and commenting and that makes me so overly excited to update other stories for you guys.

  This story has racked up 27.9k reads, 1.13k votes, and 1k comments! And these numbers go up every single day.

  I love opening this app and getting 80-200 notifications from you guys. It's absolutely fucking incredible.

  This story is by far my best one, and I'm glad you guys like it too.

  I've looked over recent comments and I see that people are distraught by how the story ended. I'm so very sorry about that.

  I wasn't sure how to end this story, so I guess I just thought of the ending last minute.

  BUT FEAR NOT! I am writing another story called sunsets and insanity, and it's a Fillie book. It has like maybe four or five chapters out, and personally I think it's really good. It'a like End of the F***king World (which is the best show ever) meets Finn and Millie.

  I would appreciate it if you guys took the time to go show love to that story. I am currently uploading and the story line will get crazier and crazier.

  My goal for that story is 30k reads and I'm like no where close, but I believe in myself.

  When I wrote Other Half I didn't really think I'd get much reads, but you guys proved me wrong. So prove me wrong on Sunsets and Insanity and get to my goal...please?

  I love you guys A LOT! And am so grateful that you guys take the time to read and comment of my stories.

  Thanks for all the support and recognization.


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