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A/N: I need everyone's opinion. Should I start part two of one of my previous books? Or should I make a whole other book? I have a great idea for both, but I want to know what you guys would prefer.

Sadie's POV
I watch as they they roll a drugged Millie out of her room and into the hallway. Tears cruise down my face and onto my neck. I can't stand to look at her like this. Despite all the times I've ever shown hate to her, she doesn't deserve this. I haven't made it clear to her that I've changed. That I'm here for her and that she's my friend now. I want to make that clear to her, and hopefully I'm not to late.
  "She'll be okay, the doctors said she was strong. And we know she's strong as well." Caleb snakes his hands around my waist as he pulls me closer. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
  "Yea...Yea I know. It's just..I..we haven't been the nicest to her. I really want her to know that we've got her back, that now we can be a big happy family." I vent to Caleb as I turn around in his hold and lay my head against his chest.
"Well, we can always show her that. We'll do something nice for her, maybe throw her a little party. When she's responsive again, we'll decorate her hospital room and we'll be one happy family." I smile at Caleb's offer and hug him tightly. The fact that he understands and doesn't push anything makes me love him even more.

Finn's POV
I sit in Millie's hospital room in the dim lighting. Everyone is sleep, everyone but me. I can't sleep on the fact that Millie might be forever damaged, and I don't understand how they could.
"Finn?" I sit up at the sudden voice that breaks through the silence of the room. I look around and find a lady in a nicely tailored pants suit, standing in the doorway. I get up from my seat and step outside so I can talk to her.
  "Hi my name's Elaine." She holds our her hand and I stare at it. Without even noticing my actions, she takes her hand and starts to read off of the various papers she has.
  "Okaaaaay...well anyway I'm from child protective services; I'm hear to talk about Millie's situation. You said that she was under the custody of a drunk father and that he's not here nor aware of the circumstances of her and what she's going through."
  "Okay first I didn't say all that, so let's cut that bullshit right now. And I didn't even talk to anyone." The lady looks appalled by my sudden tone, but Im appalled by how far they jumped to conclusions!
  "O-One of the nurses said that you said that Millie's farther was a drunk, and that-that was the reason he wasn't here."
  "Well the nurses contacted the services. Something like this they cannot ignore, no matter what. I just wanted you to know that Millie and her father will be under investigation." The nurses fiddles with her bag and pulls out a stack of papers. Please review this with your guardian. The next time I will meet with you guys, which is tomorrow afternoon, I'll touch base of some things and answer questions. Bye now." The hands me the papers, shots me a smile, and walks off. I have absolutely no idea what the hell I'm getting myself into.
"Finn!" I look around and spot Josh and Chloe rushing down the hallway.
"Man I'm really sorry I wasn't here. I had a double shift and then I had a job interview for a possible better job."
"No no it's ok. Just glad your here now." I assure my brother that his past absence did not bother me, but it would have been nice to have him by my side at a time like this.
"Aw thanks man. Me and Chloe rushed down here as soon as possible, what's going on?" I let out a deep breath and scratch my head. I couldn't even process what was going on let alone explain it. But I knew that Josh would understand, and I knew that Chloe would comfort me, she's always been like a mom to me.
"Millie overdosed...on my pills..and I didn't even know I had them out you know. I thought I hid them real good! She doesn't even know that they are mine...no one knows why I take pills beside you guys." I start to explain everything, step by step. Like always, Josh and Chloe listened.
  "Anyway..I found out she overdosed when I cane back home. Previously her uncle came to the school and started making a scene. The principal caught wind of it and told me, Millie, and her dead beat uncle, to come to the office. I was questioned first and when I came out Millie was gone. She sent me a text saying she was going on a walk, and I believed her. I never knew she felt this way about life. I knew her situations..but I can't fathom that she actually wants to end her life..." I pause...trying to calm down before break down. Chloe pulls me into a hug and holds tightly.
  "It's okay...just say what you can say, Josh and I will understand." She pulls away from the hug and gives me a smile. I slowly nod and take in another breath.
  "I cried...I cried for a good five minutes. I held her in my arms and cried...I don't want to loose her, I can't loose her. I've always hated her with a burning passion, but now we connect. Now I can look into her eyes and I know that she isn't like any other girl...she's special...she's Millie. But now...now I might loose her." I hand Chloe the papers and Josh looks at them too.
  "The nurses called child protective services. Millie and her father are under investigation, which means Millie will most likely be put in a foster home.." Chloe's eyes flutter shut and she throws her head back.
  "Finn, babe I'm so sorry...when is this lady coming back?"
  "Tomorrow afternoon, my guardian has to be there...so I kinda need you guys to be free." As soon as the words come out I have a feel that they won't be able to for-fill my need.
  "We'll be there, we'll be with you all day tomorrow." Josh puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it tightly.
  "Thanks, for everything. Mom and dad were wrong...you're the best thing to ever happen to me." I give my cousin a hug and enter the dark room. If anyone could make me feel calm during this whole thing..it was josh.

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