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A/N: This will be a short chapter but that's cause it's the ending!

Finn's POV
I walk out the room and slump down in the hallway. I rest my head up against the wall and let a single tear slide down my face. Millie..she wasn't the same..I missed the old tough Millie..and I wasn't getting that.
She was a completely different person and I couldn't put up with it. I wanted the Millie that laughed, I wanted to Millie who could put up a fight and knock you down with one word. I wanted the Millie I fell In love with..but I guess that Millie was never there in the first place.
I hop up from my spot and start pacing, question everything. Will Millie ever come back to her regular state... or would I loose her...

•••••••••Ten years later••••••••

General POV
Finn's sweaty palms and sweaty forehead indicated that he was nervous. In just thirty minutes we was about to marry the girl of his dreams.
He loosened his tie and paced back and fourth, trying to keep everything under control. He was nervous to marry her, and even nervous to say his vowel.
"Dad, come on." Finn turned to see his son, Micheal, standing in the doorway. Micheal was a twin, fraternal. He was only six years old and, Millie and Finn had him when they were both twenty.
Finn nods to his son and straights up. He walks out the dressing room and smiles to his friends who stood waiting for him.
Everyone made there way to the reception and got into place in the altar. Everyone was ready..everyone but of course Millie.
"My nail is chipped and my shoes don't fit!" Millie was on the point of breaking down into tears. Her perfect wedding was about to be not so perfect.
"Mama it's fine!" Jane, who was Millie's daughter and Michaels twin, wanted her mother to calm down. Even though she couldn't offer much, a six years old she was very out spoken.
"Millie really babe it's nothing to worry about! Who says you can't have a barefoot wedding. All in favor of walking down the isle barefoot raise your hand!" Sadie instructed everyone to raise their hands. Everyone did so, even jabs. Millie smiled at the people around her and took off her shoes.
In this other room, people waited and waited for Millie and her bridesmaids to walk down the isle. Finn had been waiting for this moment for so long. Now that it was finally here, Finn couldn't contain himself.
Out of the blue, music starts playing and the bridesmaids start walking down. They all looked beautiful but Finn had his eyes on one, and she was starting to walk down the isle.
Millie made eyes contact with Finn and it sent chills down her spin. She was finally going to marry the man who made her happy.
Millie step onto the altar and faced Finn. He was in awe.
"Wow Millie..."
"Really fucking pretty." Finn grabbed Millie's hands and squeezed them.
"Welcome, families, friends, for coming to this humble celebration of love. Now since Millie has made it clear that she wants to cut the bullshit, we will only be doing rings and vowels. Rings please." Micheal walks down the isle and hands his parents the rings. They take them and insert thing in each other's fingers.
"Now Finn..please start us with vowels." Finn nods at the pastor and takes a deep breath.
"Millie...I'm not gonna make this cheesy and mushy, but I want to say that I love you. With all my heart. We've been through so much...you've been through so much. We've both conquered the impossible, we've both knocked down our pain and made our lives better. You've always been there for me and I thank you for that. Thank you for making me realize life was worth living, thank you for being there in those tough days, thank you Millie Bobby Brown for always being there. Thank you." Finn looked down at his feet and wiped off a tear. He looked up and saw that Millie was crying as well. He wiped off her tear and motioned her go.
"Um..mines is as good but um..you mean the world to me. You've always been the one to lift me up and believe in me. Even when I though life was just another thing to worry about, you made me think otherwise. You stopped me from killing myself for the second time...and that's honestly the best thing you could have ever done. Because it was right there in that moment I realized you would become more then just Finn, you'd become my best friend, my husband, my other half...I love you...so much..I love you Finn Wolfhard and I will until my soul escapes my body." Finn smiles to Millie and jitters in his suit. He wanted to grab her by her waist and smash her lips onto his, but he had to restrain.
"Now do you Finn Wolfhard, take Millie Bobby Brown to be your loftily wedded Wife, in sickness and in health, and till death due you part."
"I do."
"And do you-"
"Yes!" Millie Jumps into his and kisses him. All the passion, all the shared trauma, all the tears, everything, poured into the kiss.
"I love you Millie Bobby Brown."

- AHHHHH! Okay so that ending was shit! Totally not what I imagined but I had to wrap it up. Thank you so much for reading this story and getting so involved with it. Together we made it all the way to 4.43k!!! Wowza!!! I didn't expect for my story to gain so much attention!! I'm so glad you guys live my stories and take the time to read them! Hopefully my next story will gain this many reads, I have no doubt that it will!! Thank you so much! I love you guys and can't wait for you guys to read my new story! It comes out very soon, sooner then you think, like actually maybe tonight 😂! Bless your guys heart!!! Love you all do much‼️❤️🧡💜😊😍😆😝🤗🌈

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