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You have lived in Derry Maine all your life it was an ok place to live many people were afraid of you because of your older brother Henry. Your name is ( Y/N ) bowers but your friends with Beverly Marsh. She was your only friend, the only person who wasn't afraid of you. It was the last day of school you were waiting in the bathroom with Bev until she finished her cigarette so you guys could leave. You heard your brother call you ' Hey! ( Y/N ) get your ass out here! ' he yelled ' Dear god ' you said ' I'll be right back Bev Henry is being a jerk ' You said leaving the bathroom ' in not taking your ass home catch a ride with dad!' He said laughing ' Oh fuck off I don't want a ride in that pile of trash anyway ' you said walking back in seeing three girls pouring garbage on Beverly.

' HEY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING! ' you yelled at them making two of them scurry off the Greta stood there like she was high and mighty. ' I'm giving the slut what she deserves. ' she said plainly ' get the hell out before I make you bitch ' You said walking towards her making her run out of the bathroom. ' are you ok Bev?' ' doing great ' she said throwing the trash off of her bag. ' I have to get a ride from my dad Henry is ditching me ' you said ' it's fine I'm taking the back way ' Bev said waking to the other way ' call me tomorrow' you yelled and walked out the front door to see your brother picking on Bill, Eddie, Richie, and Stan again.

You really thought he would have given up by now. ' you've god a one way ride to see your brother. Rides over ' he said but you stepped in between them ' don't you have something better to do mullet? ' you said to your brother who raised his fist at you. You instantly pointed to your father at his police car. ' you can't do shit. Now go ride in your piece of shit car with your friends before dad starts walking over.' You said and he walked away. After he was a safe distance away you stated walking to your father.

'Hey ( Y/N )!' You heard a voice say. You turned around to see Richie. ' thanks for not killing us. ' he said you felt so nervous talking to him something that never happened before 'no problem trash mouth ' you said waking to your dad. ' hey dad I'm going to bike home is that ok? ' you said grabbing your bike from the back of his car. 'I thought Henry was taking you? ' he asked 'no he wanted to do stuff with his friends ' you said seeing the anger in your fathers eyes. 'It's ok daddy I'll be ok ' you said because you knew of Henry got in trouble because of you you'd be in for a world of hurt.

You biked towards your house. Once you arrived you later down that thought about what had happened that day. How you felt when talking to Richie. You felt warm and nervous but also very happy. A mixture of feeling that had never happened before. No one was home so you started to sing some of your favorite songs. Most of them by the cure and guns and roses. Thinking of what you were going to do tomorrow.

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