Ch 10

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You woke up to a loud bag on your door. "Hey punk ass get up!" Henry yelled. "what do you want fuck face!" You retorted flopping over. "you gotta help me with something dad will kill me if he finds out." He pleaded. "Why would i help you?" you questioned from under your covers. "Because i hid that stupid bike in the backyard before dad left for work." He trailed. "Fine, but i'm not gonna like it." you left Richie a note on the back of your door letting him know that your brother bribed you into something.
     You both hopped into his friends car and started to drive off. Henry's hands were fidgety he looked like he was gonna combust. Suddenly you pulled up to the kissing bridge. You knew exactly why he called you here, and you were having any of it. "What the fuck kind of trouble did you get into now shit head?" you asked laughing at his panic. "Look i lost my knife, you're usually good at finding things and you're small i need your help, please (y/n)."
    "Please? Damn someone's desperate." You hopped the fence and started to dig around in the leaves. After an hour you saw something shine a few feet away next to a tree. Henry and his goons were distracted looking so you ventured off on your own. You walked over to the tree and there it was, Henry's knife. You laughed to yourself and opened your mouth to yell to him as you bent down to grab it. Out of nowhere a white gloves hand snatched it up.
     Your head looked up in fear. IT stood above you, a bloody smile on ITs face. In one hand he had the dismembered hand of a child in the other Henry's knife. IT raised one bloody finger to its lips telling you to keep quiet as IT slinked off into the woods. You stay there frozen in place tears quietly streaming down your face. "HEY! what the hell are you doing?!" Henry yelled breaking you out of your trance. you turned to him tears staining your face and you shook your head. You got in the car and Hockstetter drove you home.
     You always hated Patrick, he gave you the worst vibe out of all of the friends Henry had. He said nothing to you the whole way home, he only gave you a disgusting smile. The minute you got home you fast walked your way inside locking the door. Richie peeked begins the corner letting out a comforted sigh when he saw it was you. "Good morning hot stuff" He said with a grin. You said nothing, you just wrapped your arms around him and cried telling him about what happened in the woods. He sat silently and stroked your hair. Once you were done you looked up at him "Can we go to the clubhouse, i don't want to be here right now" He nodded in agreement and you both rode your bikes all the way there.
     You found it empty, putting your shower caps on you both settled into the hammock, holding each other, and driving to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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