Ch 2

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    The next day you got a call from Beverly 'hey! Um come to my place I need your help with something' she said in a scared tone. ' I'll be right over ' you said and quickly said goodbye to your father and raced over there. When you got there she told you that she started her period and didn't have anything. You laughter a little at how concerned  she was and you went to the store.

     On the way there you told her about your not so little crush on Richie. She giggled and wished you luck on your ' journey for love ' then you two finally arrived at the store. You both stood there contemplating which would be the best you ultimately chose and were ready to walk to the register. Just the Greta turned into the isle. You both look at each other and ran into the next isle over which contained Bill, Stan , and Eddie but no Richie which made you let out a sigh of relief. You asked what they were doing and Eddie blurred out ' there's a kid outside who looks like he's been stabbed '  ' we don't have enough money for all of this though ' Bill said looking at everything Eddie had in his hands. ' we got this' you said

    Bev distracted the pharmacist pharmacist while you and the boy's snuck out and you followed them into the alley where Bev said she'd meet you. Loa and behold there was Ben sitting next to Richie. Ben looked like he was gonna die and you ran to him. ' holy shit what happened !!!' You exclaimed and started putting pressure on that area. ' I fell ' he said 'yeah right into your brother is more like it ' Richie said lifting up Bens shirt to reveal a big H carved into his waist. ' WHAT THE FUCK!' You said and just then Beverly came. They explained what happened and you both got invited to the quarry the next day. Beverly nudged you towards Richie and you almost instantly got bright red. You both ran off towards Bevs house as you both / she smoked. ( whichever you prefer ) Once you got there you set a time to meet up. Once you got home you told your dad everything. You didn't care if you would have a matching scar you needed to tell him. That night Henry didn't come home after your father yelled at him. He stayed out with his friends all night making you more nervous as to what would happen when he got home.

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