Ch 4

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     You got a call from Bev the next morning 'get you ass over here there's something really wrong ' she said ' Bev what is it?' She then hung up ' Bev? Bev? Hello? Damn it...' you cussed under your breath. You said goodbyes to your father and made your way over to Bev's. You got there and all the boys were standing around and looking like they were annoyed. ' help us ' Stan mouthed at me 'she's just so perfect guys I can't believe we get to hang out with her again! Her smile is ' Richie swooned. You looked down ant your feet. ' he's not talking about you he's talking about Bev. ' you thought. You shook it off and walked over to them 'hey boys!' You said ' H-hey y/n I-uh didn't see you walk over heh ' Richie stumbled. You all laughed as he turned bright red.
    ' thank god your all here!!' She said approaching us. I have to show you guys something. ' you mean more than what we saw at the quarry ' Richie said laughing. You laughed with him and the others glared at you two. ' my dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment.' Bev said you volunteered to stay outside and we're ready to stall her dad if anything happened. ' hey Richie you stay lookout too just in case ' Eddie said looking at his and smiling evilly.
    ' shut the hell up Ed's ' Richie said shifting his eyes between you and Eddie. You giggled and sat in the grass putting your headphones on. Half way through 'welcome to the jungle ' Richie took your headphones and put them in 'HELL YEAH!' He said. You took your headphones out and you two danced and sang to Guns and Roses songs. After about a half hour you two layer down in the grass next to each other.
     ' I have a question to ask you m'lady ' he said looking at you ' what is it ' you said blushing. Your faces were only inches apart. 'Do you want to go to the fair tomorrow just me and you.' He looked down at your lips and back into your eyes. His eyes weren't the most exciting color some would argue  but you could get  lost in them. ' I would love to.' You giggled
     Just then his lips were on yours. The world seemed to stand still as you two kissed. The kids wasn't long but it was full of joy and love. You two pulled away and you blushed so much you looked like a tomato. He wrapped his arm around you and there you two lay in the grass, cuddling.

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