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You pulled into your drive way your father wasn't home thank god. "Be careful " you whispered looking at the curly haired boy behind you. Richie smiled and parked his bike. You both giggled at the sight if past out Henry on the couch. You creeped past him and into your room. A large bed with ( favorite color) sheets filled most of the room. Your guitar sat in the corner it's case open. One window across form your mattress. It wasn't much but it did nicely. Your closet was just big enough to fit Richie comfortably on the bottom. you grabbed some pillows and a soft blanket and gave it to him. "Thanks hot stuff" he winked at you. You giggled and softly kissed his cheek. you both stared at each other longingly. then suddenly the front door opened. You bolted up and shut your closet door signaling Richie to be quiet. Your father drunkenly stumbled into your room.
     "What the hell have you been doing all night missy" he slurred. "N-nothing daddy just playing my guitar a little." You motioned over to it. "Good, i don't want you hanging out with now boys now, ya hear?!" he hollered and leaned onto your closet door. "Daddy be careful you might-" you started but were met with a loud slap across your face. "DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO BITCH!" he yelled. Just as he came he went out of your room. You heard the loud thud of him hitting his bed and only them did you check on Richie. He was shaken but he instantly grabbed your face and kissed all over the rising slap mark your father had left. Once he was done he cradled you. "I'm so sorry (Y/N) i should have helped but i froze... you deserve better" He trailed of gazing and nothing. "Don't you say that Rich, don't you ever say that. I don't want anyone but you." you curled up into his chest and felt his heart beat. He soon drifted to sleep and you covered him with a blanket. You laid in bed staring up at the blank ceiling wondering if life would ever get better for the both of you. You were sure it would but that was before you found out what you were doing the next day.

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