Ch 7

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Hiiii I fixed all the series in last chapter! sorry about that I typed it on the computer because my phone was dead. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Bill popped in the slide of old Derry that Ben had given him and lined it up with the map on the garage wall. ' look that's were Georgie went missing, the iron works, and the black spot. Everywhere it happened is connected by the sewers. They all meet up at the-' bill was suddenly cut off by Ben ' the well house ' he said and everyone turned their heads to the that the back dot lined up perfectly with the one place you were afraid of more than being alone with your brother.
  ' it's the house of Neibolt street ' you shivered 'yeah it's the house all of the junkies and hobos like to sleep in.' Richie said attempting to lighten the mood. Eddie took a puff of his inhaler as he started hyperventilate. ' I hate that house it always feels like it's watching me.' You and Bev said at the same time slowly turning towards each other in disbelief. 'That's where I saw IT that's where I saw the clown' Eddie shuddered out taking another puff of his inhaler that didn't really seem to be working. ' th-that's where IT lives.' Bill said and you shivered getting closer to Richie gabbing his hand and squeezing it slightly. He kissed the forehead and lightly rubbed your back calming you. ' can we just stop talking about this ' Eddie said and you head shot up. He stood in front of the screen and started to ramble on about how freaked out he was the suddenly he tore the map down. ' hey put it back!' Bill yelled then the projected started to change slides. The first couple were Blank then it started to go to photos of bills family. Then it stopped on the photo of bills family at church. All of you sat there frozen as it zoomed in of Georgie then traveled over to Bills mom her hair wild. The pictures started to move and it revealed a clown in her place. You started to panic you helped onto Richie as the projector kept running and Bev screamed to turn it off. Mike kicked it and it toppled over into the floor. A blank screen appeared and you sighed in relief only for it to shut off and turn back on to see a ginormous clown reaching for you. You grabbed Richie and ran to the garage door the boys tripping I've each other. Bev slowly backed away you saw this and pushed her towards the boys crouching as it reached out and cut your arm you cried out in pain as Mike threw open the garage door and the clown vanished.
  You sat there unable to move from the terror you had just witnessed. Richie ran over to you 'oh my god are you ok please tell me you won't die! Why would you do that I'm so mad at you right now?! I can't stay mad at you Jesus Christ just way something!' He panicked. You started to cling to him and cry. You thought you were going to die, I brought back memories you never wanted to remember

----flask back -----

  'Get the hell ip you worthless pig!' Your brother spat at you kicking you. You used all of your strength to lift your head up to look at him. Brusies and cuts covered your body you looked up at him and his goons a cut that was sure to leave a scar on your cheek. ' who's gonna help you now? Dad's not here to save your sorry ass now is he?' He said hitting you in the head with a rock causeing your vision to go blurry.  He pushed your into the stream, you choked on water as he left you there to die.

---- end flack back ----

   Richie heals you in his arms as everyone else talked he payed attention to only you making sure  you  were ok by letting your hair and kissing your forehead whispering how much he loves you. ' s-so lets  go ' bill said grabbing his bike ' bill go where ' Ben asked ' Neibolt ' he replied saying his brother was there. You couldn't move after that you admired how much he cared for him but after that there's no way you were going anywhere near that house. The boys started to fight and Bill rode off on his bike towards the house. Bev called out to him but he wouldn't listen. 
  Richie looked at you as if to ask you if you were ok to go. You nodded and hopped on your bike with the rest of the losers and raced after his you arrived to see him standing at the door no weapon to defend himself only his wits. He was muttering something as he slowly walked forward. ' BILL!' Beverly cried as she stopped her bike. We all got off our bikes and walked to him. ' look you don't have to come in with me but what happens if another Georgie goes missing or another Betty or one of us?! Are you just going to pretend t isn't happening just like everyone else because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. Is cloths his toys his stupid stuffed animals but he isn't. So for me walking into this house is easier then walking into my own. ' He said looking out so all of us. ' wow ' Richie sighed ' what ' you replied ' he didn't stutter once '  you hit his arm playfully ' wait shouldn't w have some look outs just in case'  Stan said ' wh-who wants to start out here ' Bilk said and everyone raised their hand but Beverly. They all looked around ' Fuck' Richie sighed Richie got into the porch with Bill Eddie joining them. You walked up to Richie giving him a small kiss ' please be safe ' you said looking into his eyes ' I always as hot stuff ' he said giving you a smirk. Bill pushed open the door and the all walked in.
  After a while you suspected the found nothing more then some dead rats, a hobo and some cobwebs. The you heard a piercing scream it could only belong to one person.
Hiiii it's a short chapter I'm sorry I have school tomorrow it stinks and I might it be able to write as often. 😔

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