Ch 6

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Hey people I am so sorry this took so long I love y'all and I hope you like this chapter 😄

You and the losers walked back to your bikes introducing themselves. Mike was somewhat hesitant to talk to you considering the boy who's terrorized him for this long was your brother. Everyone quickly reassured him that you were a good person and nothing like Henry. You all helped mike pick up the rest of his meat that was scattered on the ground.

" Why dont we stop by the parade?" Bev suggested and we all happily agreed. AS you all were riding your bikes you relisted how much trouble youd be in with Henry when you got home. you pushed that thought to the back of your mind and continued on your way. " Anyone care for some ice cream?" Eddie asked and you and Richie raised your hands. Eddie hurried off to buy some and the other losers gathered around a poster of Eddie Corcoran. " They say they found his hand all chewed up by the pipe. Richie paying no mind to what Stan was saying horribly played a band members instrument. The boy tried to take his instrument back but to no avail. you walked over and tried to coax Richie into giving it back. " Common Rich give the guy his instrument back. " you said but he just kept playing " If you give it back ill kiss you" YOU said with a smirk and he instantly handed it back and slid next to you.

" Pay up " He said with a wide smile but you simply winked at him and laughed as you walked to the other losers. " what are you guys talking about?" Eddie said and hand you and Richie your cones. " What they always talk about" You and Richie said at the same time making you three laugh. Ben started to talk about his theory on whats going on you listened to everything but Richie was to busy staring at you to notice anything they said. Ben and Bill finished talking and looked at everyone. " Im sorry what?" Richie said looking at all of the losers. " Maybe if you weren't staring at ( Y/N) like it was the end of the world you would know what they were talking about " Eddie said annoyed " Trust me id be doing a loy more than starring if it were the end of the world." Richie said winking at you. You laughed and shook your head " In your dreams Rich " You said and git on your bike.

You all made your way to the middle of the field were people were preforming on stage. So whatever it is comes out for like a yaer to eat kids them goes into hibernation?" Richie said "Maybe its like those bugs they come out every seventeen years." Stan said " MY grandfather thinks this town is cursed that everything that happens here is because of one thing, and evil this that feeds off the people of Derry," Mike said " But it cant be one thing. we all saw something different,." Stan said confused " Or maybe it knows what scares us most and comes to us as that.' " I-i saw a lappor he was like a walking infection," Eddie started " But you didnt because none of this is real " Stan tried to convince himself. " Not eddies leppor or bill seeing georgie or or the woman i keep seeing." " She hot?" Richei said with hsi normal sarcams " No Richie she not hot shes scarry and her faceis all massed up " Stan shivered even at the thought of her. Eddie asked mike if he had seen anything. Mike started to talk anout what happened to his mom andn dad. we looked down at the ground below and you put your hand on his shilder nowing all ypur brother had done to terrorize him.

" Everyones afraid of something." " You got thst right" Richie said " Ok Rich what are you afraid of?" you asked looking at him " clowns he simply replied shivering at the one on stage."
" i have a map at my house maybe we can see where this thing is." Bill said and you all agreed. you rode upto Bills house and you saw your dad across the street. He was at the corcorans house. you waved and he gave you a stern look. you parked your bike and told the rest of the losers to wait for you. you raced over to your father and hugged him, he hugged you back and put his arm on your sholders. " Look sweet pea i trust you but be careful around those boys i dont want them trying anything. " He looked at you and gave you a small brown box. you opened it, In it was a small black kife. you could tell your father picked it out. he looked at you and smiled, you smiled weakly hoping you would never use it. the other losers looked at you amd waved you over to them. you said goodbye to your father and walked over to Bills house. "Hey hot stuff whats going on" Richie said flinging his arm around you. Mike closed the garage door and eddie atarted up the projector as bill put up the poster. "You still haven't payed up" Richie said looking at your lips. You leaned in and kissed him, he put his arms on your waist and you put your arms around his neck. you could feel him smiling into the kiss. You pulled away and smiled, he smirked and you looked around. Everyone was grossed out while ben looked at Bev as she looked at you two. You winked at her and she laughed. " Can we get back to what we were doing!" Eddie yelled covering his eyes like a small child. " Your just jealous." He said and pulled you in for another short kiss. You were happy there wasnt a doubt in your mind but what was about to happen might change your life.

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