Ch 3

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  Henry finally showed up at home. He glared at you all day until you left for the quarry. You arrived at Bevs house and you two made your way down. ' ok who's going first ' Bill said. Both you and Bev dropped your bikes and undressed. ' I'll go! ' she said and jumped off the edge. After you saw her go down you jumped down after her. ' What the fuck!! ' you heard from Richie on your way down. You landed and felt the water consume you. Being under felt like peace. When you came out of the water you saw Richie, Eddie and Ben standing on the edge. ' Are you guys gonna be wusses about it or are you gonna join us!! ' you yelled to them just then Richie jumped off yelling 'fuck'  all the way down making you laugh.
Once he landed you went up to him ' how fun was that!! ' you say splashing him. ' that was the single most embarrassing thing I've ever done.' He said laughing a little. ' doubt it ' you laughed. You went under water and swam to everyone. You all played chicken and slashed around.
You and Bev laid out to tan listening to music. You could tell the boys were staring. 'Hey you know there're staring at you right?' You whispered to Bev. ' they're staring at us' she said looking at you ' all but one ' she said and you saw her look at Richie who was bright red when you looked at him. ' shut up ' you laughed at Bev ' I'm just saying ' she said. Richie then started going through Bens bag
He found some research that Ben had been doing on the town. Now that you were thinking about it it was pretty weird how many kids were going missing. You all agreed to go to Bens house to see the rest of his research. When you got there his room was covered wall to wall with pictures and evidence. It looked like a mad mans room. You and bev where looking around when she closed his door to reveal a new kids on the block poster. You laughed a little. Ben was pleading you not to tell so you crossed your heart and went on looking. You went over by Richie who was making fun of Ben. ' no not cool at all ' he said lifting up papers. ' shut up Rich he's trying' you said hitting him lightly in the arm. 'Ok ok' he said putting his hands up. You sand the rest of the kids start to go your separate ways when you feel a tap on your shoulder
' hey ( Y/N ) um I was wondering if I could bike with you ' they asked. You instantly recognized that voice. Your face turned bright red as you turned to face Richie. ' s-sure ' you said both of you started biking, you looked a Bev who was silently cheering and doing a happy dance. You giggled as you two headed on your way. You and Richie got to know each other more. You learned so much about him from his past, his abusive parents are why he wants to make people laugh. You almost started crying when he told you. You stopped you bike and walked towards him giving him a hug. He hugged you back and you stood there in that perfect moment as if the world stood still.

I am so sorry this took so long I've had writers block on top of quizzes and final exams 😬

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