Ch 8

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Hey guys I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated some family things have been happening. So here's the next chapter ❤️

   ' EDDIE!' You yelled and raced inside and looked around the screams continued until you found your way to the kitchen with Bev behind you holding a spike. ' I'm not real enough for you Billy? I was real enough for Georgie!' The clown giggled and Bev rammed a spike into Its head. ' Grab Eddie ' Richie said and you both ran to him. You crouched beside him and you put your hand on the side of his face. 'No no no it's ok Eddie it's ok look at me l-look at me not over there' you said desperately trying to get his attention away from the now crying clown. You watched as it slashed up Bens stomach and bowed away. Bill ran after It and Bev started to cry. You looked at Richie and he looked back with panic in his eyes. ' I-I'm gonna snap your arm back into place. ' He said suddenly 'D-don't you fucking touch me!' Eddie protested moving closer to you. You held his head close to your chest as you heard the sickening snap of Eddies arm. He yelled and you and Richie helped him to his bike.
You all arrived at Eddies house to see his mother running out. You helped Eddie down and started to walk him towards him mother. She grabbed him from you putting him in the car and slamming the door. ' YOU DID THIS TO HIM YOUR ALL MONSTERS!' She yelled at us. Bill insisted that we had been attacked and tried to convince her it wasn't our fault. She dropped her keys and like any good person would you and Bev reached to try and grab them. ' Stop! Stop! ' Mrs K says grabbing them slightly struggling ' Oh I've hear of you Miss Marsh and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son. Oh and you Miss Bowers stay the fuck away from my boy you've cause him enough pain.' She said swiftly getting into her car. She spead away and you all looked as Eddie looked back crying.
Bill started talking about going back. You cling to Richie. The thought of even looking at that place gave you the creeps. He rubbed circles in the back of your hand calming you slightly. You never wanted to go back there. Everyone started fighting with Bev and Bill about how crazy they were for wanting to go back. You didn't understand why they would but Bev and Bill were your friends you could never say anything against them.
    Then Richie said something you'd never forget ' You couldn't save him but you could still save yourself ' you were in shock at what he said. Bill was so broken after his brother died that the fact that he even said that hurt you. Bill told Richie to take it back after he refused he punched him. You ran to Richies side making sure he was ok. Bev looked at you as if to tell you to stay but you knew after that day you couldn't. You ran away from them with Richie.
After that you and Richie spent almost every day together. Avoiding Henry, going on little dates to the park or to get ice cream. You both went to Stans Bar mitzvah together. You missed Bill and Bev and you wondered frequently how they were doing. Richie was normally there to pull you away from those thoughts with a hug you kiss on the forehead. One day the two of you sat in the park just talking about anything that popped into your minds when you saw a bruise on his side. 'Rich w-what is that?' You asked lifting up his shirt a little bit. 'It's nothing don't worry about it' he said pulling his shirt down more. 'Theyre hurting you again aren't they....' you said looking into his eyes. He turned away from you lying on the grass. You wanted to protect him from his parents. He said they had stopped caring ever since he'd started going out of the house more but that didn't seem to be true at all. You put his head against your chest and hugged him for what seemed like forever. He cried a little as you sat there. You almost never see him cry unless you're hurt. Seeing him like this broke you so you decided to do something about it.

It has been moths since I've updated and I am soooo sorry.

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