Ch 5

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  You were laying down with  your head in Richies lap both of you smirking like idiots when the gang came down from Bevs apparent. 'What took so damn long!!' Richie said dramatically throwing himself backwards. You sat up and made your way over to your bike. 'Common let's go do something'.You all ride off and the other losers start talking about blood everywhere in Bevs bathroom ' can only virgins see this stuff is that why we're not seeing this shit?! ' Richie said motioning to the two of you. You rode by him and hit his arm.
' just saying ' Richie laughed ' she's not the only one I-I saw a-' Bill started ' A clown ' Eddie finished shuttering. One by one they all confessed to seeing some form of this 'thing'.
isn't that ' Bev said pointing at Belches car. ' oh dear god ' you said noticing Mike, a homeschooled boys, bike tipped over a wheel still spinning. You dropped your bike and started running into the woods. ' do we have to?' Richie asked Bev as she dropped her bike and ran after you ' YES YOU IDIOT!' She yelled.
You sprinted to the stream side where your brother was forcing mikes head into raw meat 'Hey what the hell Henry!' You yelled . Victor grabbed you and dragged you to the  other side. You thrashed around trying to break free 'put me down asshole!' You yelled just then Bev threw a rock at his head barely missing your ear. ' what the fuck! ' he yelled dropping you. Mike started to crawl away and you shoved him over to the other side so he would get away faster before stumbling over there yourself. '

    'Are you ok? Did they do anything to you because I swear if they layer a finger in you-' Richie examined you for bruises or cuts 'Richie- Richie I'm fine ' you said holding his head in your hands making him look you in the eyes ' I'm fine ' then you both heard a sickening voice ' You losers are trying to hard she'll do you if you ask nicely, just like I did ' your brother said looking at Beverly. ' AAAAGGHHH ' Ben yelled at your brother. Everyone started to throw rocks and you joined in hitting them as many times as you could. ' ROCK WAR! ' Richie yelled making you laugh as you threw the biggest rocks you could find.
  Henry's goons retreated leaving him in the dirt. ' go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!' Richie said and you both flipped Henry and bird. As you two walked away back to the losers you noticed a cut in Richie's forehead. ' do you need a bandage?' You asked 'no but could you kiss it better' he said smirking ' fine you dork ' you said and gave him a kiss on the forehead making him light up like a Christmas tree. You giggled as he gave you a goofy smile and flung his arm around you. ' I can't wait for tomorrow ' he whispered in your ear.
    You looked up at him and he leaned down and kissed you. You two pulled away. You walked off leaving Richie to stare in awe at you as you caught up with the rest of the losers smiling happily.

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