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As Eddie walked towards Richie's house he could he his own heart race. Eddie always had some sort of feeling towards Richie. Whether it be disgust, anger sarcasm, happiness, but most of all love. A lot of the time Richie annoyed the shit out of Eddie. But Eddie still loved him.

Eddie stopped right in front of Richie's house, it was just like any other street on the block. But when Eddie saw it, his heart raced as if it was "IT's" well house that Bill made him go into. As he walked to the door he felt his throat close up. When he stood right in front of the door he took our his inhaler and triggered it.

After putting away his inhaler he rang the door bell. After about 30 seconds the door opened. And there he stood, with the same stupid curly black hair, beautiful freckled face, and those damn glasses. Eddie's heart pounded and he felt like a child again as he spoke. "Richie?" Eddie's voice was sort of hushed, whether he liked it or not.

"Eddie Kaspbrak? Holy shit, is that you?" Richie's voice was less annoying and more sweet sounding to Eddie. "Yeah, it's me" Eddie couldn't help but smile. Right then and there Richie stepped out of the doorway and hugged Eddie tightly. He blushed before hugging Richie back.

They've been walking around the neighborhood for about an hour catching up with eachother. Out of nowhere Richie looked down at his feet and chuckled. "What's so funny dipshit?" Eddie looked at Richie before Richie looked up and said "oh nothing," Richie smirked.

"God dammit Richie tell me!"


"Dude fucking tell me." This went on for about 10 minutes before this happened. Richie looked at Eddie and raised his voice a bit, "Alright! Damn I'll tell you." They stopped and both looked at each other awkwardly.
"I-...when-.....fuck it" Richie didn't know how to tell Eddie so he just grabbed Eddie's hands and kissed him. Eddie was shocked at first but then kissed him back and pulled him closer. Eddie could feel Richie's heart pound against his.

After a little bit Richie pulled away. "Eddie Kaspbrak, I love you"
Eddie looked up at him, "I love you too dipshit."

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