Dallon and the Dogs

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Eek I hate grammar tests

"Ah, yes, the things I love the most: the smell of coffee and wets dogs."

You looked over and glared at Brendon as the words left his mouth, slightly punching his arm and he walked into Dallon's house without knocking. Brendon playfully swatted you away and then abruptly started to tickle you. You slightly screamed and started to swat at him.

Dallon must have heard the noise because he rushed downstairs and, rightfully, looked as confused as physically possible.

"Who's the girl Brendon?"

Brendon didn't even look up. He stayed facing you, ruffling up your hair and tickling you. "She's [y/n]." He dodged your hand, laughing.

It was obvious Dallon had had enough as he reached out for Brendon's belt loop in his black jeans and pulled him back, away from you.

Finally you could breathe again and once your pants turned to even breaths you looked up in front of you. "Thank you so much. Sometimes I don't know what to do with him." You laughed.

Dallon nodded. "None of us know what to do with him."

"Hey!" Brendon called from behind the tall man.

"Sorry Bren but it's true."

"Anyway," Brendon walked to stand beside the two of you, "This is Dallon. I'm sure you've heard of him."

You nodded. "Of course I've heard of Dallon! It's so nice to meet you!"

Dallon smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, two dogs, one noticeably smaller than the other, ran inside and darted straight to Brendon, jumping on him with excitement. Brendon was almost knocked to the ground because of the force, so he plopped to the ground and sat there with the dogs, petting both of them. As he snuggled his dogs they gave him kisses all over his face, which he seemed to appreciate and he laughed, scratching their chins.

"Aw, hey Penny. Hey Bogart." He began to speak to them, typical things you'd say to a dog.

Soon after the dogs, a beautiful dark-haired woman walked in and leaned against the wall, arms crossed, watching the scene.

You laughed at Brendon for some time before turning to the woman and attempting conversation. "You must be Breezy, right?"

She turned to you and smiled. "That's me. And you are. . .?"


"Well nice to meet you, [y/n]."

You wanted to say more, but were interrupted.

"[y/n], [y/n], come here and meet the dogs." Brendon grabbed your hand and pulled you to the ground with him.

In the next moment you were also engulfed by the dog love, and you did your share of petting and rubbing bellies.

Breezy took out her phone and pointed it at the two of you and screamed, "Smile!"

Both of you turned toward the camera and hugged the dogs to hold them still and as soon as Breezy was done, you shot up, asking to see it.

It was a cute photo: you had Penny in your lap and were smiling your signature smile, and Brendon was sitting slightly behind you, an arm around Bogart, and his other giving you bunny ears.

In annoyance you turned to him and lightly flicked his cheek. He just smiled.

"Anyway," Brendon started, "thank you guys for taking care of them. I just have to figure out a way to get them in the car."

"It can't be too hard." You picked up Penny and started walking toward Brendon's car, and into the back seat she went.

Unfortunately, getting Bogart into the car would not be as easy. After several methods of trying to get this dog into the car, he was finally sitting in the back seat with Penny. You decided to sit back there with them.

"Aw, you aren't gonna sit by me?" Brendon put on his pouty face.

"There's loads of other times I could sit by you, Bren." You laughed and pulled his cheek.

Brendon winced. "That hurts, you know. What do you have against my cheek?" He held his cheek with his hand when you let go.

You shrugged and he sighed.

Brendon put the keys in the car and started to drive, and you rolled down a window for the dogs. As soon as you got home, Brendon excitedly ran up, threw open the front door, and, as the dogs ran in, screamed, "This family is finally complete!"

You waltzed inside and whispered, "What a loser," before kissing his cheek and continuing to walk off.

"Was that on the same cheek that you tried to rip off my face for a reason or was that coincidence?"

"If it weren't a coincidence I guess you'd be asking me to injure you more often."

He shook his head and laughed, running back to the car and yelling at you to follow him. Brendon and you took the next couple minutes arranging Penny and Bogart's food and water bowls, and bringing their toys out and everything they need.

You remember Brendon saying something, and it was along the lines of, "I think I deserve a reward for all of that," while he leaned in close.

And all you remember saying was, "Shut it," and hugging him tight.

Heck I got it done!!!! I feel accomplished haha! The next thing I post will be the next chapter of Sweetheart, and the cycle will continue like that for this week.

Sorry if this chapter feels rushed I just had a lot I needed/wanted to get in it with hopes that this book will not turn out to be 100 chapters long.

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