Fruit Loop

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Hello don't question the title of this chapter.

Part of you had expected Zack, Brendon's bodyguard, to show up.

But you hadn't expected it to happen right as you had thrown a cereal box at your boyfriend.

Another morning of dumb games and teasing, you ended up with a box of Fruit Loops in your hand, aiming right at Brendon as he struck a ninja pose.

Unfortunately for him, the doorbell rang and he had to answer it, cereal in his hair and all.

You payed no mind and began to clean up the mess you had made, all the while letting the dogs have a few pieces.

But you did manage to hear an excited conversation between Brendon and the person at the door before it seemed he had let the person in.

Your boyfriend walked in, a very tall man by his side.

You turned to face him and your eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, you're. . ."

"Zack. It's nice to meet you." He held out a hand for you to shake and you took it firmly, grinning. "Sorry I didn't come earlier," he continued and motioned to Brendon. "This guy didn't tell me he was back in LA."

Brendon laughed nervously and looked at you. "I was a bit distracted. . ."

You gasped dramatically. "I'm sorry, am I a nuisance? I'll just leave." You began to fake sob and danced your way to the door, Brendon shaking his head and walking after you to grab your hand and drag you back.

"Anyway, this is [y/n]. You've probably heard of her because of what's going on." His fingers entwined with yours.

"Yeah, I came here to address that." Zack pulled out a chair from the kitchen table and sat down. "Well, now that I've actually been told that Brendon is back home, I can do a lot more to keep you both safe."

You took a seat next to him, letting go of Brendon's hand. "Thank you."

"It's kinda my job."

You nodded in understanding. He wasn't wrong. At all. It was really what he was getting paid for.

"But I also hate seeing people get hurt."

Brendon reached forward to grip my shoulder protectively. "Yeah, I get that."

"Now," Zack became even more serious than before, stiffening. "I hear you got yourself into some trouble in [home town]."

The air became more thick and tense as this topic was mentioned. Zack hadn't been present at the time and Brendon had gotten hurt. It always bugged you; why wasn't he there? He said it was his job to protect Brendon, after all.

But Brendon was the one who apologized. Your head whipped around to look him in the eyes, confusion spread across your features. He sighed.

"I was the one who told Zack not to stay with me. Him and my touring members flew back home but I stayed to spend time with John and Alice."

That had cleared up part of your questions, but how had he managed to get Zack to leave him to be by himself?

"Brendon told me he didn't want to bother me by having me work more often and pay for a hotel or apartment." Somehow Zack was a mind reader, answering what you were inwardly asking. "John convinced me he would be fine and if anything happened he and Alice would take care of it."

Brendon stepped in. "They did good in my opinion. They kept me from going out even when I wanted to."

"But they didn't send you home as soon as you were hurt. That's an issue."

"That's my fault. They wanted to send me back but I wouldn't let them."

"No!" They both turned to face you, shocked about your sudden yell. "It was my fault, if anything. I kept wanting to see Brendon and it probably made him feel like he had to be there for me or something."

Zack inhaled and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's no one's fault. There were just things everyone should have done that they didn't. I'm here now, though, so things should be fine."

The day continued in a calm manner, including introducing Zack to Nash and getting to know him better. You went about telling him what you and Brendon planned to do tomorrow—which was just grocery shopping—so he could come over and be at the store with you,

Eventually, though, everyone recognized the dilemma: we could always deal with the problem, but it won't get better unless we try to solve the problem.

They began to suggest options back and forth on what to do about the internet harassment.

Zack went first. "You could talk about it in your next interview."

Followed by Brendon. "Or I could tweet about it or something. Maybe try to get it fixed over the media?"

Zack nodded in approval. "If you're confronted by anyone you could speak your mind, too."

This list continued on and on for what seemed like an eternity before you began to massage your temples and interfered.

"Guys, it's not even that bad. Only a few people even know about it." You began pacing a little bit, trying to find an excuse for them to not start a commotion or make it a huge deal. "No one is getting so many comments about it that their phones are blowing up, and it's not even violent. It will blow over."

"But, [y/n]-" Brendon tried to change your mind, but Zack stopped him, a hand on his shoulder.

"This is about her. If that's what she wants then we shouldn't do anything. The media does get bored with stuff like this after a while."

Nash let out a small yip and tried his best to climb onto your lap and you assisted him, not saying a word to spare yourself the embarrassment.

Brendon stayed silent for the rest of Zack's visit. He seemed to be internally struggling with something, and you caught him often fiddling with the strings on his ripped black jeans and running his hand through his gelled hair.

Eventually, Zack waved both of you goodbye and was on his way, promising to be back tomorrow.

Brendon's gaze caught yours, and he closed the distance between you and captured you in an embrace, tightly gripping your body.

"God, I hope this all blows over like you said it would."

You hadn't the slightest clue as to why he was so worked up and upset over this. It wasn't even that bad and you were safe, especially with Zack around.

But then it struck you that what happened to Brendon had occurred because of rumors over social media, and a shiver ran down your back.

"It will, I promise."

"I hope you're right."

"When have I ever been wrong?"

But you had been wrong. So many times.

Hey, hope you liked this chapter! See you on Wednesday!

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