A Trip

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Hell yee

Quite frankly, you weren't sure where you were going. All you knew was you and Brendon were in the backseat of his car as Zack and Louise took to driving and shotgun, respectively.

Anytime either of you would ask about the destination, you were met with a hand full of cheese puffs to the face and a "shh". Both of the bodyguards were too invested in their audiobook to answer.

"Who the hell gave them an audiobook about vampires?" Brendon whispered.

You laughed nervously. "Oops."

Brendon stared you down and shook his head. "How long have we even been in this car?"

You didn't answer. After all, it was a very intense moment in the audiobook and you were ready to root for the demise of every character. You stopped to notice how alike that was to something Kassidy would say.

It wasn't long before you pulled up to a familiar parking garage—to Brendon it felt like eternity, though—and hopped out of the car, feeling the air hit your skin and hearing Zack and Lu rant on and on about the audiobook.

"I can't believe it!"

Your exclamation shook Zack and Lu out of their conversation.

"You brought me to [home town]?!"

Brendon was equally shocked.

Zack smiled. "It looked like you needed it. Coming home for a bit and visiting your friends and all."

You smiled big. Kass and Sam had come to visit you, so it would be fun to surprise show up at their houses.

"We thought it would be nice to take a walk around, too," Lu started in one direction and we all followed willingly, obeying her short sentence.

Passing by familiar stores, trees, and roads, you felt the breath of your home town fill your lungs. It was almost refreshing to see this place after being away for so long.

"What should we do first?" You asked excitedly. "We could visit Sam, or Kassidy, or we could stop by Screamin' Beans and Steamin' Mugs and we might even see Alice when we're there!"

Brendon chuckled and pat your head. "Hey, slow down there. One thing at a time."

You nodded but kept your determination inside.

That was when you heard a yelp.

"Oh. My. Gosh."

Just with that you knew exactly who it was.

Curly brown hair bobbed up and down as the small girl ran toward you. "It's been so long, Brenny! And it's good to see you, too, [y/n]!"

"Alice," you smiled. "It's been a while. How are you doing?"

Her mouth grew into a toothy grin, almost as if she was waiting for you to ask that question. "Amazing! Did you hear the great news?"

You shook your head. "What?"

"I got into med school!" She jumped up and down, clapping. Her excitement was almost contagious, and soon you followed her.

"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!"

Alice laughed a bit before settling down. "How are the both of you? Are the stupid hate comments still bothering you?"

Your smile dropped. "Not really, but to think it might still be going on. . ."

"We haven't checked recently," Brendon said. "I said what I needed to say in the situation, and if people are still being assholes then that's that. They don't deserve the attention they'd get if we found any of their nasty comments, anyway."

You nodded in agreement and Alice sympathetically patted you on the shoulder.

"I'm glad things are better than before. I gotta get going to work, but give me a call if you need anything or want to chat!" And with that, she was off.

Zack and Lu stared at you and Brendon with questioning gazes, but decided not to ask.

"Well, we already saw Alice. . . So off to Kassidy's!" You skipped in the direction of the route you had taken so many times. Brendon, unfortunately, was not as enthusiastic as you.

Kassidy's apartment was only a short way away from where you had met Alice, so it wasn't long before you arrived. Excitement to surprise your friend was piling through the roof as you knocked on her door.

You waited.

And waited.

You knocked again.

And waited.

You rang the doorbell.

And waited.

Brendon yawned. "Maybe she's not home. Wanna try Sam's place?"

"Yeah, maybe- AH!" You screamed and pointed.

"What?" Zack looked around.

"The. . . The man himself!"

Brendon, Zack, and Lu looked down to the ground below to see Sam walking up the stairs of the apartment building, coffee in hand.

"Sam!" You shouted.

He looked up in confusion before spotting you and waved, a look of shock written all over his face, and began to walk faster.

When he finally caught up, he smiled at everyone.

"[Y/n], Brendon. . ." he struggled for the body guard's names, "Zack. . . and Louise! It's so cool to see you guys again. What brings you here?"

You pointed at Zack and Lu. "They did."

Sam laughed and Brendon looked at you in disappointment for your awful joke.

When you were about to ask about Kassidy's absence, Sam nonchalantly opened the door to her apartment. "Anyway, Kass says to 'Just go the fuck inside' because she's 'taking a sweet ass bath.'"

You laughed and glanced over his shoulder. "Looks like she forced you to bring her coffee, too."

He sighed. "I was having a boring day, so I asked her if I could come over. She told me I couldn't unless I had coffee."

"So. . . you bought her a coffee?" Brendon asked, implying something a little more.

"What else was I supposed to do? Be bored?"

Brendon raised a brow at him, as did Zack.

"From what I hear," Lu started, clearing her throat, "it seems there is never a dull moment with Kassidy."

I nodded over and over. "You could say that again."

And so your trip back to [home town] began. If only you knew what you had in store.

Perhaps this is a good time to convince Sam and Kassidy to get together 🤔

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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