How Could I Ask For More?

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Why is wattpad always recommending me my own books???

You tossed your arms around Brendon's shoulders as he kissed you passionately. It wasn't quite the passionate kiss animation from The Sims 4™, but it was close.

And you thought it was even more than that. More exciting. You could feel his lips move against yours and you loved it. The way his hands gently gripped your hips. It all made you so. . . happy. He parted from you with a small goofy smile and pulled you into a hug.

He was so cute. You couldn't help but love him. He was one of the brightest energies in your life. You looked his bare arms up and down; the bruises were completely gone. A smile spreading onto your face, you squeezed him with as much strength as you had.

"Hey, now," he laughed. "You're gonna kill me."

Craning my neck up to look at him, you whispered. "Maybe that's my intention. I want the dogs all to myself."

"Is that so," he gave a small cocky smirk. "Then I guess I'll have to kill you first."

He began tickling you like mad, and in a giggling fit, you ran away and he chased in pursuit, screaming "For Penny, Bogart, and three-legged Nash!"

Life with Brendon was a dream. Except when he tackled you to the ground and the dogs joined, all of them on a big pile on top of you.

At least the dogs licking you was kind of cute.

And at least Brendon gave you another kiss for your troubles.

Kassidy sat at a table all alone at her house. Dinner time was nearing, and yet she had no plans. Whatsoever. Not to eat. Not to breathe. Not to exist.

"Eh, I'll just watch a movie and eat some popcorn."

She cranked out a bowl, a microwave bag of popcorn, and, after throwing it in the microwave, began to sift through her movie collection.

Yawning, she plopped down on her couch, finally selecting one of her favorites: Heathers.

She couldn't wait for all of the psychotic-boyfriend-induced-murder in the movie to take place. Curled up in her pajamas, popcorn on one side of the couch, and a latte in her hand, she awaited the wonderful story of two murderous teens in love.

Then a knock on her door ruined the whole thing.

She groaned. She groaned when she paused the movie. She groaned when she put her coffee and popcorn on the table. She groaned when she stood up. She groaned all the way to the door before opening it.

"What do you wa. . ."

Sam was standing at her door with a quirky smile, a hand rubbing his neck. "Hey, I hope you're not busy. I just didn't have any plans tonight."

Kassidy cackled and opened her door all the way. He eyed up her arrangement of food. "I'm not doing anything either."

He walked through the door, grinning, taking in his surroundings. "I see. . . Heathers, a classic."

Kassidy smirked. "A man of culture. It's hard to find one these days."

"And it's hard to find a girl your age who watches the movie more religiously than the musical."

She gasped. Eyes wide. "There's a musical?" She whispered.

"What? You didn't know?"

She shook her head.

"Oh my Lord, we have to watch this."

Kassidy nodded vigorously. "Okay, okay, but first the movie. Then the musical."

"You got it boss." He saluted.

Pulling her knees to her chest and putting the popcorn between her and Sam, Kassidy bounced up and down, excited for her 132nd watch of this movie. She was keeping count.

By the end of the night, the popcorn bowl was empty and Kassidy's head rested on Sam's shoulder as they were both fast asleep.

Short chapter but Samsiddy is so cute I'm gonna cry.

||Shut It||                                            Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now