Ch 15 - And Then There Was Two Mokas

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When you woke up, Kokoa was already up and in a black dress that was long. It was very unusual to see her in anything besides the color red.

"Here get these on and be ready in five minutes. We are going to be in a ritual that will be making Inner Moka and Outer Moka into two different people where they won't have to share the same body. I just found out a few minutes ago while you were sleeping by my father." Kokoa said.

You got the pants and long sleeve shirt on and noticed that they were also black. This was your first time of ever being part of a ritual. It was going to be an interesting experience for you in your opinion. Once you were ready, you followed Kokoa to a room that was dimly lit and noticed that everyone else was already there. Issa held a knife like object in his hands and you noticed five candles were on the ground. Four of them were set in the point of directions of the compass points and the fifth was placed in the center of them.

"Ahh (F/N), please stand in front of the candle in the position of the direction for north and face outwards from the circle." Issa said.

Apparently you were the last one to be told were you would be standing because everyone else was already standing in front of a candle. With everyone now in the spots that they were suppose to be, Issa approaches an altar that is set in front of the north position of the circle. Issa kneels in front of the altar and extends the tip of the knife (Athame for the Wiccan term of it) into the bowl of water that is sitting on the altar and says "I exorcise thee, O' creature of, that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleanliness of the spirits of the world of phantasm; in the names of Lilith and Hades."

Issa puts the knife (Athame) down and picks up the bowl of water and holds holds it out in front of him (Visualizing his energy extending out and purifying the water), while his eyes are closed. After a few seconds he opens his eyes and places the bowl back down on the altar. He then picks up the bowl of salt and places on the pentacle and puts the tip of the knife (Athame) in the salt. He then says "Blessings be upon this creature of salt; let all malignity and hinderance be cast forth hencefrom, and let all good enter herein; wherefor I bless thee, that thou mayest aid me, in the names of Lilith and Hades.

Issa then pours the bowl of salt into the bowl of water and says "In the names of Lilith and Hades, I bless water and salt, which has been cleansed and purified, that it will aid me in my task." while stirring the salt into the water until the salt is completely dissolved.

Issa then places the bowl back down on the altar and picks up a sword. He walks slowly towards the north point of the circle slowly to where you are standing. You brace your self but her Kokoa say don't move your fine. When Issa gets to where you are standing, he points the tip at the ground while staring at you, and says "I conjure thee, O' Circle of Power, that thou shalt be a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against wickedness and evil; a boundary between men and the realms of the Mighty Ones; a rampart and protection that shall preserve and contain the power that is within thee. Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee; in the names of Lilith and Hades" while walking counter-clockwise (deosil) around the circle the entire time.

Issa turns towards everyone and ask that everyone steps inside the circle. He hands each one of you a knife (Athame), and ask that everyone points it towards the east. He then says "Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, Lords of the Air, we summon and call you up to witness our rites and to guard this circle." He then bends down and lights a yellow candle.

He then walks over to the south and says "Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, Lords of Fire, we summon and call you up to witness our rites and to guard this sacred Circle." He bends down and lights a red candle.

Issa then goes to the point that is in the west direction and says "Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Lords of Water, Lords of Death and Initiation, we summon and call you up to witness our rites and to guard this sacred Circle." He then bends down and light a blue candle.

And now for the last outside point, Issa walks over to the north point and says "Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, Lords of the Earth, guardian of the Northern portals, powerful God and gentle Goddess, we summon and call you up to witness our tites and to guard this sacred Circle." He then bends down and lights a green candle.

Once the four outside candles are lit he walks to the middle of the circle and says to Tsukune "Please hold out your arm. I need to cover the candle in your blood since you are the closest person to Moka."

Tsukune holds his arm out and Issa took the sword and made a slit down Tsukune's arm. Once the blood started to come to the surface, Issa picked the white candle up and covered it with Tsukune's blood. He set the candle on the floor and lit it saying "To the God and Goddess over all creatures, we ask that you grant this wish of separating these two from one body into two. Pleas hear our request and be kind in this request."

As soon as the candle was lit, Inner Moka let out a high pitched scream and her body floated up in the air. You could tell she was in a lot of pain, but knew that there was nothing you could do about it. Tsukune was still bleeding and as each drop hit the floor it glowed a brilliant red. The pentacle on the ground started to glow with each section of it glowing to a specific color that represent each element. Suddenly before everyone a brilliant white light glowed from Inner moka's body. It got so bright that everyone had to shield their eyes from it. When the light faded after a few minutes, there was both Mokas lying on the ground. You were about to move towards the Mokas to check on them, when Issa says "Don't move or else you will break the circle of protection that is in place." It took everything you had to heed his words and not move. You were fighting against your instincts. 

After a minute Issa went to the east point of the circle and said " Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, Lords of the Air, we thank you for attending our rites and protecting our Circle. As you depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell."

Issa then went to the South point and said "Lords of the Watchtowers of the South, Lords of Fire, we thank you attending our rites and protecting our Circle. As you depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell."

He then went to the West and said "Lords of the Watchtowers of the West, Lords of Water, Lords of Death and Initiation, we thank you for attending our rites and protecting our Circle. As you depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell.

He then went to the North point and said "Lords of the Watchtowers of the North, Lords of the Earth, guardians of the Northern portals, powerful God and gentle Goddess, we thank you for attending our rites and protecting our Circle. As you depart to your pleasant and lovely realms, we bid you hail and farewell."

"Please pick up the candle that is in front of each of you." Issa says as he picks up the white candle in the middle.

Everyone picked up the candle that they were in front of.

"On the count of three blow out the candle that you are holding on. One. Two. Three." Issa said.

Everyone blew out the candles at the same time. As soon as the candles went out, Issa and Kokoa rushed and picked the Mokas up. Everyone followed as Issa and Kokoa took the Mokas to their bedroom. They laid them down on the bed and Issa said "All we can do is wait."

Issa turned to you.

"I want to thank you for what you did for my oldest today. To be honest I gave you that credit card to see how you would use it. Whether to get back at me or to use it responsibly. I think now that you have earned some trust in my opinion. Don't think this means that I approve of you being with Kokoa." Issa said to you and then he left.

You were standing lost in thought now knowing that the idea of giving you the card was to test you. At least you had earned some trust. Just how could you gain his approval about being with Kokoa. 

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