Chapter 1: Sweet & Sour

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"Dad! There is no way I am driving that hideous monstrosity of a car! Forget it!" Chorong yells, rolling her eyes and turning around to pick up her pink strawberry smoothie on the kitchen counter. Her father sighs in frustration, running his hand through his hair.

"Honey! Come on, what's wrong with it? You need to start driving yourself to school!" He says, trying to act calm, but this was the usual routine for him and his spoiled daughter.

"Ummm.. We've been through this!" Chorong says, clapping her hands together. "It isn't pink..! Do you want me to be a laughing stalk at my school? I have high standards!" She scoffs, walking to the front door and calling on the family chauffeur.

"Let's go~ I can't be late." She orders. The man bows to her and walks out to the car to start it. Her father just sighs deeply, and gives up. "Be nice at school today!" He points, warning her. She just shrugs. "Jinyoung-ah! You can get down here now!" He yells up the flight of stairs.

In seconds, the red-haired boy heads down the stairs with his backpack slung over one shoulder. "Is it finally over?" He sighs, looking at his dad. He always hides up stairs, until his sister stops being a pain. He didn't want to be in the middle of it, but he's used to it at least. Mr. Park nods and turns around to him, "yes the chauffeur is driving.. just don't be late-" He starts speaking until he sees Jinyoung's hair. "What the heck happened to your hair?!" he yells, getting even more frustrated with his children.

Jinyoung shrugs, "Chorong wanted to match hair colors. So she dyed it red last night." Mr. Park is baffled, "Wha- Chorong!!!" His voice raises. Chorong turns from the door and sighs. "What!? It looks good!" She smiles happily, then turning to see the chauffeur waving to signal the car being ready. "Oops! Got to go dad! I love you~!" She blows a kiss, and walks out to the car. Jinyoung pats his back before he leaves behind her.

Mr. Park picks up his mug of coffee and takes a gulp, laughing a bit. "Huh.. At least they're actually bonding. Or at least she's finally acknowledging him as her brother at school." He shrugs, taking another sip. "Not bad."

Ahyoung's House..

"Let me help you with that." Ahyoung smiles, taking a box from her mother and setting it in the kitchen. Ms. Choi smiles at her daughter and heads into the small acquaint kitchen after her.

"Ah thank you.." she says, already looking so tired in the morning. She had bags under her eyes, and had looked like she got ready in the dark since she was wearing all sorts of crazy colors. She knew her mom was exhausted.

"No prob! What is all this?" Ahyoung asks, running a hand through her black hair and crossing her arms. "Oh.. it's just more cake decorations for the shop that I ordered. The requests I've gotten have gone through the roof." Ms Choi sighs, taking the supplies out of the box. Ahyoung looked at her mother with concern, until she turned to her.

"What are you waiting for? Go to school or you'll be late dear." She laughs, reaching out to her and giving her a little push to the door. Ahyoung does as told, and turns with a laugh, grabbing her mother's hands. "Make sure to take time to rest today okay?" Ahyoung says, nodding to her. Ms Choi nods slightly and Ahyoung then heads out with reassurance, grabbing her spray painted skateboard. With that, she got on it, riding down the sidewalk and waving bye to her mother.

"Have a good day at school honey! When you come back I have something important to tell you!" She shouts with nervousness present in her voice, hoping her daughter heard her.
Malg-eun Haean High School. Which roughly translates into Sunny Coast High School. It's a school by the beach in South Korea. The halls were painted with pastel school colors of blue and purple. The school has a huge population with the school pride of the mighty sharks. No school is perfect, but pretty soon the entire school is going to be a big mess. When will that be? That's when-

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