Chapter 2: Do You Believe In Magic?

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"I can't breathe! I can't breathe! This can't be happening!" Chorong grasps onto the couch, fanning herself. Jinyoung rolls his eyes at his sister, and takes her arm so that she stands up straight.

"Honey.. I know it comes as a shock..." Mr Park begins to explain, wiping his forehead.

"A shock?! Try turning my life completely upside down!" She stands up straight, giving a furious look. "Sis.. this about dad.." Jinyoung tries calming her down.
"But it involves us too!" She snaps at him, then turning back to her father.

"I don't want a stupid new mother or a sister! I'm perfectly fine with just you two! They are not welcome in my book!" Chorong yells, close to tears, Jinyoung winces at this. Mr Park looked sad at that moment, "Chorong stop being so rude-"

"Rude?! Then what about mom? Huh??" She throws her hands up, her eyebrows twisting in sadness. Mr Park raised his eyebrows, and widened his eyes. He knew now why she was being like this. "I won't let anyone replace her!" Is the last thing she says before storming upstairs.

"I'll go after her.." Jinyoung says to his dad before walking to the staircase, and going up to his sister's room. Mr Park sits down, hanging his head down as he breathes out.

"Sis?" Jinyoung knocks on the door although it's already open and he can see her sitting on her bed. "If you're just here to call me selfish and give me a lecture about dad then just stop right there." Chorong says, fiddling with her charm bracelet. She did for sure lose one of her charms, and that made tears finally come to her cheeks. She never cries, so Jinyoung had a lot on his hands.

"No it isn't that.." he says walking in and sitting on the bed next to her, she still faces away from him. "It's hard for me too.. I miss mom." He says softly. Chorong stays silent for a few minutes before turning around on the bed abruptly.

"Why would he not even tell us about his relationship before??" She says, her voice shaking. Jinyoung can for sure see tears now. He hasn't seen real tears from her since he was eight, and she was six. That was when their mother died.

"I don't know Cho.. he probably was scared of our reaction. We can get through this I promise." He says, looking into her eyes. She wipes her tears and looks down. After a few minutes of him patting her head, she then dives into his arms and sobs.

Jinyoung was shocked. She also never does this, as cold as she is. "Just.. please stick by me when they come! I don't want all things to change!!" She sobs loudly, clinging to him tightly. He exhales and pats her hair again. "I'll always be here." He reassures her. She then just buries her face in his shirt, crying more.

Mr Park stood outside of the room, hearing the conversation that warmed his heart, but also made him sad. He decided to call his new fiancée after that, to tell her the news.

Meanwhile, the group of six boys, who call themselves Astro are at a school trip in the same hotel together. Of course being popular guys, they decide to do a live stream video. A video Ahyoung jumps on super fast. Not only will this clear her mind of worry, but it will also threaten the un-cool side of her to come out.

She breathes in and opens the notification on social media. "I can do this.. he doesn't effect me!" She says to herself, running a hand through her hair and giving a cool expression that no one can see.

"Is it on? Is it on?" JinJin asks, giving an unneeded camera shot of his nose. Rocky giggles with his hand in front of his face, and JinJin realizes that it is indeed on.
"Dang Rocky how embarrassing.. you laughed like a girl. Ahem." The blonde says clearing his throat and acting like he did nothing embarrassing.

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