Chapter 4: Witch's Studies

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"This is literally insane.." Chorong says with shock as they walk outside after school.

"I'm so confused.. how did our parents end up together then..?" Ahyoung clicks her tongue and shakes her head. They continue looking down at the ground as they walk, Ahyoung then piping up again.

"Hey! Maybe at home we can practice our powers together!" Ahyoung says with a cat-like smile.

Chorong pushes her away and shakes her head, "ew no! That'd be hanging out!" She says, then running to the car. "CHORONG!!!"

"Can anyone answer this math question?" The teacher says with boredom as he looks around the room. He spots his eyes on a sleeping Ahyoung and decides to call her out, "Ahyoung what is the answer?"

"Huh??" She yells, making her books fly off as she looks up. Chorong hides her face like she doesn't know her, until she looks down and sees that her book has turn into a sunflower.

"The answer is the electroencephalography !" Ahyoung says quickly, without thinking. The class laughs at her.

"Um.. this is math not science..."

Ahyoung sinks in her chair, looking over at MJ who is sitting at the far right of the classroom. He laughed at her too, which made her feel ten times more embarrassed.

"How did you say such a big word?" Chorong whispered to her from beside her.

"I panicked!" Ahyoung hides her face in her arms.

"What a nerd.. anyway.. you better pick that flower from the ground before Mr. Lee wonders where the heck it grew from and says it's aliens." Chorong points down at it. "Oops! Yikes!" Ahyoung whispers.

Mr. Lee ignores all the voluntary hands in the air and looks over his classroom. "Ugh.. Daeshim! Pay attention for once! What is the answer huh?" He asks with his hands on his hips, almost in a sassy matter.

They all looked back to Daeshim who was behind Ahyoung. He never looked away from his phone, "43.14." He answered. The teacher gasped and wrote it down, trying to keep his composure. "Y-You're right." He then suddenly runs out of the classroom screaming about aliens or something.

"Woah.. you never look up from your phone and you answer questions like that?? So cool!" Ahyoung turns around and says to him.

"Maybe you are an alien." Chorong laughs and rolls her eyes.

"Yes I am Chorong." He replies without looking up.

"Ahhh!!! He knows my name!" Chorong yells, running out as well.

"Chorong!! Ugh.."
"Hyuuuuung~ can I leave early??" SanHa begs Jinyoung as he tugs on his jacket.

Jinyoung sighs as he turns to the young boy. "Why?? Give me a good answer to why I should let you leave?"

"I um... I.. have to feed my penguin.." SanHa cringes at his excuse. Jinyoung just glares at him.

"You said that to get out of gym last year." He says crossing his arms. SanHa hangs his head down in defeat.

"It's because he has a crush on your sister!" MJ laughs hard as he dusts off a guitar.

SanHa's face turns as red as Jinyoung's hair in that moment as he turns around and shushes him. "What?! You weren't supposed to tell her BROTHER!! MJ!!!!" He squeaks.

MJ shrugs and continues to laugh. JinJin just rolls his eyes at the situation.

"What?! You have a crush on Chorong??" Jinyoung widens his eyes. "Um... good luck with that." He says as he rubs his neck.

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