Chapter 3: Secrets & Revenge

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"Wake up for school girls!" Mr Park yelled from downstairs. Ahyoung's alarm went off, but she didn't feel like waking up. She didn't want to face the day. She stayed up late last night trying to get all of her stuff into her new room anyway. There was no way she could face the day like this, she just might run everyone over with her skateboard. After facing those thoughts, she gets up in her new bed and sighs when the day before rushes in her mind. She felt sad, angry, guilty, and calm all at the same time.

After sighing deeply for the hundredth time, she then steps onto the floor, something cold under her feet. She looked at it curiously and then widened her eyes when she saw it. It was the necklace. She could've swore she tucked it away in a box last night after she finished setting up. "I don't want this!" She scowls at it, then stepping around it and opening her closet to get her uniform. On the hanger with the shirt, was the necklace again.

Ahyoung gasps and looks over at the floor to see that the necklace was indeed not there and now on the hanger. "What the heck is going on?!" She throws her hands down in anger. "I don't need this right now!" She turns from the closet holding her head and closing her eyes. "Maybe I'm still dreaming.. or their house is haunted.." She starts coming up with rational scenarios, but when she opens her eyes, nothing rational is before her. On the ground was flowers all over her room, growing from the floorboard. She screams and looks at her hand, then throwing it down again, causing flowers to appear right out of it again. She screams once more, "this place is definitely haunted!!" She yells, then looking down to see the necklace now around her neck. That's it. She runs out of the room, hearing a scream from upstairs. "Ahhhh!!!! Oh my god a lightning bolt just struck my bed!!" Chorong is heard.

"What is going on..?" Ahyoung says in a panic, then running upstairs.

"Chorong!! Chorong what's wrong?" Ahyoung asks walking into her room to see a fried bed, and the same necklace on her neck. "This is all your fault!!"

Ahyoung is taken aback, "what?! How?!"

"I can't get this stupid necklace off me! And this stuff never happened until you showed up!" She then looks over at her bed, "oh my silk sheets!!!"

"Okay look I have no idea what's going on but.." Ahyoung starts talking, trying to calm her down from having a drama queen meltdown. Doing that, she creates flowers again on Chorong's shoes.

"What was that?!" Chorong screams, throwing her hands down. Ahyoung looked up as she saw a dark cloud hover over her, rain starting to pour. Ahyoung was done questioning things. "Make it stop!"

Chorong just laughs, "oh my gosh! How funny!"

Ahyoung tried yelling over the rain, "okay look! Things are getting pretty weird.. but we have to work together and figure out what's happening!" She says, not really wanting to, but she knows it's the right decision for this situation.

"Why would I want to work together with you? You literally ruined my life." Chorong says, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.

Ahyoung sighs, wishing the rain would stop, and thankful that she was at least still in her pajamas. "Please Chorong make this stop!"

"How?!" Chorong gets defensive.

"I don't know!! Hold your hand out or something. That's how it's been working."

Chorong sighs and holds her hand out in a stop. Luckily it stopped and Ahyoung was completely drenched.

"Heyyy look at you taking a shower." Chorong smiles evilly. Working together with her will be hard indeed. "So does this mean we have like.. powers..?" Chorong asks, pacing around and ignoring Ahyoung's scowl.

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