Chapter 5: We Got The Pow-Power

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"You're here early..." Ahyoung says in a positive way, smiling to them. "I'm Ahyoung nice to me-"

"Yeah we know who both of you are." The lady with crazy hair and vintage glasses said as she pushed them up.

Ahyoung instantly deflated, looking down.

"We were coming for an orientation.. but it looks like you two already used your powers irresponsibly." She continues.

The man then began to speak up, "you were lucky you two didn't start a tornado or an earthquake! That's how powerful your powers are don't you understand!?" He yells, throwing his hands up and panicking, Hara having to calm him down.

They both look down. "Sorry! I didn't know she was using her powers!" Chorong crossed her arms.

"That's not the point! You used your powers on what?" He asks, getting in their faces.

"Um.. a boy.." Ahyoung says softly, causing Chorong to look at her in shock, "that's what you were doing?!" She gasps, then laughing until he gets up in her face too. "I wouldn't laugh miss prissy. What were you doing?"

She gulps, "just some friendly revenge on two backstabbers that's all! Where's the justice?!" She starts saying as she rolls her eyes.

"Yikes." The man says. "You're right.. these girls are moral opposites and.. ah they just happen to be the witches that posses Alice and Jadis's powers." He says in English to the woman and Hara.

The girls look at each other, Chorong confused but Ahyoung understanding. "Rude! We can live up to these powers! Aren't you judging us too quickly?" Ahyoung pipes up. Chorong then acts as if she knew what they said all along. "Yeah! Give us a chance badly dressed council!" Chorong adds. Ahyoung face palms, "a little far Chorong..."

"Excuse me!! But this is so in right now!" The woman yells as she straightens out her shirt.

"Yeah if you read that magazine in the dark.." Chorong mummers to herself. "What?!"

"Oh nothing!" Chorong smiles to her.

"Anyway.. my name is Minerva and this is Demetrius." She explains. "We are the witches council and if you do not follow rules or study properly there will be consequences. The reason you two have these powers is because you can soon fight the darkness that Alice and Jadis failed to do." She continues, scaring the girls.

"Wait... does that mean our lives really will be on the line?" Ahyoung asks carefully.

"There's a lot to study." Minerva says as she raises her eyebrows, then throwing books onto Ahyoung. Demetrius does the same to Chorong.

"We'll be back to check on you once and awhile. We'll let this one slide since you're new. Listen to your guardian.. Also just know that every mistake is closer to danger." Demetrius says then zapping them both out of there with a purple and black smoke trail left behind.

"Well they're a ray of sunshine." Ahyoung sighs, setting the heavy books down.

"This is ridiculous!! We find out we have these awesome powers and we can't even use them?!" Chorong stands up in an outrage, the books weighing her down.

Hara chuckles a bit, "you can use them.. just wisely. You have to know how to control them well." She says then patting the books.

"Get to work, evil isn't going to fight itself." Hara says with a smile before leaving the room.

"Wow.. this is a big deal.." Ahyoung says, still thinking about what they said about their lives being in danger.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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