34. Hope

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"Well" I gnaw my bottom lip as I compare the house in front of us with the one in the picture that I printed off the website.

"Jesus" Josh mutters as he snatches the picture from my hands. "You've gotta be kidding me. This is false advertisement" he complains with a shake of his head. In the picture was the perfect three bedroom ranch style home with a yard big enough for Ems to play in with her future siblings. The house in front of us now however was a rundown mess with boarded up windows.

"This is beginning to feel hopeless" I sigh, running my fingers through my hair as I lean back against the car. We had been house hunting for two weeks to no avail. We ended our lease at the apartment and we were heading over there tomorrow to get our things before lugging them to storage until we could find a permanent residence.

"We'll find something" Josh assures me as he takes my hand in his. A smile pulls at my lips as I glance over at him.

"You know" I smile, moving to step in front of him. "One of the things I love most about you is your hopefulness" I tell him as I link my arms behind his neck, leaning into him.

"Oh yea?" he quirks his eyebrow at me, encircling me in his arms. "Well one of the things I love most about you is that you became hopeful" he smiles, resting his forehead against mine. "Everything will work out" he assures me, leaning in for a small kiss.

"Do we have any more?" I ask curiously. Every day we take a stack and go off on our journey of the day. We hadn't taken Emma yet because we didn't want her getting attached to something too quickly so she's been spending lots of quality time with her grandparents.

"Just one" he sighs, reaching into his back pocket for a folded piece of paper. "You up for it?"

"Why not" I shrug, snatching it from his hand and unfolding it. "I'll plug it into the GPS" I smile as he moves away from my door and goes over to climb into his side. I grab the GPS off the dashboard and key in the address before setting it back in the holder and buckling up my seatbelt.

"Ready?" Josh checks with his hand on the gearshift.

"Mhm" I nod. He smiles and puts the car into drive before peeling out into traffic. I crank the radio and my window, letting the cool late January air flow into the car. "You are such a weirdo" he teases as he uses his universal window button to shut it.

"Hey" I exclaim playfully as I try my button only to find it locked. "Joshua Gabriel Matthews I am not our five year old" I giggle as I continue to try and roll down my window.

"It's cold outside" he protests with a chuckle while turning up the heat for emphasis.

"Josh" I laugh as I swat his hand away from the thermostat.

"What?" he smirks. "What's got you so hot babe?" he asks, placing his hand on my thigh which has it's intended effect of setting my body on fire.

"We have a house to look at" I protest, pushing off his hand.

"It's not like we're being timed" he laughs as he rubs his hand on my knee. "You know you insist that we can't have sex at your parent's house because you're terrified they'll hear us you won't have car sex either. Aren't you going crazy yet?" he exclaims making me giggle as I place my hand over his.

"Maybe a little" I admit. "But it's freezing outside" I laugh. "Do you wanna get frostbite?"

"Ha" he exclaims, moving his hand. "So you admit it's cold out" he adds making my eyes widen.

"You tricked me" I exclaim, slapping him on the arm.

"Precisely, but it's good to know you're sexually frustrated. I feel like I might be able to use that to my advantage later" he smirks making me roll my eyes in amusement.

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