2: Riley's Tradition

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"Lucas stop that tickles!"

"That's because your extremely ticklish Riley."

Riley Matthews was currently at her mother's shop, Topanga's, with her boyfriend of two years and a couple months, Lucas Friar. The two were on one of their many dates. Well they wouldn't call it a date because they thought it sounded weird, but everybody knew it was a date. They would come here and sit and talk for god knows how long. Laughing at the stupidest things and contemplating over the most complex situations. They've gotten closer over the years. They weren't in that weird stage that they was in middle school where they were scared to hold hands anymore, but they still took things one step at a time.

Riley still had her quirky personality and that adorable goofy smile. Her body is much more developed. Her breast got a little bigger. She's gained a four pack due to her mom scaring her last year into thinking that if you don't start eating right you'll turn into a pumpkin and although Riley thought the idea of turning into a pumpkin was cool she was terrified of what people would due to her every Halloween so she started jogging and working out more. Her hair has grown back to its natural length to where it reaches her waist since the last time she cut it back in freshman year. Her light brown eyes still sparkle when she smiles. She's still the same height though.

Lucas was poking Riley in her stomach, trying to make her happy again because she got a D on her math test. The brown eyed brunette was hysterical as Lucas' fingers tickled her abdomen. She was squirming and shaking. Her eyes were closed shut. Her hands desperately trying to stop Lucas and his attack on her stomach. A few seconds later Lucas stopped and Riley let out a big sigh of relief and Lucas just smiled at her.

Lucas remained the same. He was growing a little bit of stubble on his chin and around his mouth and his hair has grown more but he was still the same old Lucas. Always caring and looking out for people.

"I could've died!" Riley exasperated when she finally regained her normal breathing pattern.

"But you didn't and besides I wouldn't let that happen." Lucas gave Riley an assuring smile and held her hand. These two were in love super deep. They were now staring into each other's eyes. Deep brown meeting sparkly green. Their faces got closer and closer.

Beep beep beep

Riley quickly turned away from Lucas and looked at her phone. It was time for her to go.

"I'm so sorry Lucas, but I gotta go. I'll call you later." Riley grabbed her homework that Lucas was helping her with and jammed into her book bag in a hurried manor. She couldn't be late.

"Where are you going?" Lucas asked looking at her confused.

"Umm my mom wants me home for dinner." Riley said as she zipped her book bag up and threw it around her shoulder.

"Riley, it's only 3:30."

Riley mentally kicked herself in the face. She was a terrible liar. Every time she tried she would either say the stupidest lie ever or just do her really scared face (AN: y'all know that weird face she makes when she's scared).

"Is it that time again?" Lucas asked giving her a look of understanding. Riley knew what Lucas was referring too. And no not her period you nasty.

"Yeah it is." Riley muttered looking down at her hands that were playing with the ends of her skirt. Lucas nodded and told her that she could go. Riley gave him a thankful smile, kissed him on the cheek and then ran out of Topanga's. Riley was running fast down the block, the bottoms of her converse hitting the pavement. She needed to be home. But then she heard a familiar voice call her name.

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