6: Dreams

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A/N: This chapter is a little short and might be a little hard for some people to read. If for any reason you feel anxiety or depressed after reading this, please feel free to message me or hit me up on my social media. My social media is in my bio. Enjoy the chapter.

Maya's POV: I wake up and I immediately take in my surroundings. I'm in my room, in my apartment. I grab my phone off my nightstand, turning it on. Its 11:03 PM. I didn't realize I slept that long. As a matter of fact, I don't even remember going to sleep. What I do remember is the big fight with Lucas and Zay on type of the Teal though. I groaned aggravatingly. My situation just keeps getting worse. 

I'm still confused by how easily Lucas took the news. It was almost as if it was just a speck of dust he could just brush off to him. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I could trust him. Ew, I honestly think I can trust Huckleberry. Kill me please god.

I think back to Zay. He really stood up for me up there and I feel so bad that he had to be dragged into this. He doesn't deserve all of this drama. He's been nothing but supportive and caring towards me and my situation. I have to tell him I'm sorry when I see him. 

I hear a knock at my front door. Who would be at my door at 11:00 at night? Another series of knocks occurred and it was evident that this person really wanted to talk to me. "I'm coming!" I yelled at got up from my bed and made my way to the front door. I unlocked the door and opened it and the person on the other side made my heart stop.

"So....you've been here this whole time?" 

I couldn't speak. I couldn't even comprehend what was being said to me. I was too shocked to believe that this person was standing in front of me.

"I missed you so much Peaches."

I was immediately brought out of my trance when I heard that god forsaken nickname. But I mostly noticed the crack in her voice when she said it. I looked into her eyes and saw tears. Tears of joy. Its Riley.

"Riley?" I was in utter shock. The one person who holds the key to my happiness is right infront of me. 

In a matter of seconds I felt two slender arms around my neck holding me tight and a body colliding into mine making me stumble back a little, my grip on the door lost and it closes. Her scent hits me instantly. Chestnuts and strawberries. Something I've grown accustomed to for so long and also something I've tried to forget. It takes me a minute to register what's going on, but I soon begin to return the hug, wrapping my arms around her waist. 

I can hear her sniffles and I can feel her tremble in my hold. The sound of her sadness hurts me and I start to hold her tighter and rub her back. It feels amazing to have her in my arms. 

"I can't believe I actually found you." She said in a soft voice. Her voice cracked so much and I soon felt a pang in my heart. I pull back from her enough to get a good luck at her face. She still has those deep, warm brown eyes, her cute dimples, her soft pink lips. Her hair has grown back and it reaches to the middle of her back. She's still taller than me but now I'm a little bit up to her height. 

"How did you know where to find me?"

"Lucas told me he ran into you." 

"Ughhhh that fucking cowboy." I groaned backing away from Riley and running a hand through my hair and make my way to my bed room. I specifically told Hop Along not to tell anyone where I was, especially Riley. I guess it doesn't matter at this point. Everything is already on the table. I sit down on my bed and just stare down at the floor. I hear footsteps and I already know that Riley is at the entrance of my room.

"Wow. This place is so......you." She says. I can hear the nervousness in her voice. She's trying to choose her words carefully so she won't offend me. Like I'm a piece of china. I knew this treatment would come.

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