8: One Night Out

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Maya's P.O.V: I open my eyes and I'm met with the off white color of my ceiling and the sound of cars rushing by on the streets below. I sit up in my bed after being awaken by the bright rays of the rising sun, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. The four hours of sleep I got didn't do me any good. That nightmare revealed my deepest fears. Riley turning her back on me. I think that would hurt more than her just immediately shutting me down if I told her I liked her or that I'm lesbian.

I go to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror I see that my eyes are red as well as my nose, my hair is messy and tear stains on my cheeks. I really wish I couldn't remember any image of that dream. Every single detail. However, we all can't get what we want.

While thoroughly washing my face and brushing my teeth I notice the gauze that is still on my abdomen. The memory of being attacked in the alleyway coming back to me and playing in my mind. I carefully pull back the gauze and I can see that the cut isn't bleeding anymore, but the scar is rather huge. I'm not gonna walk around with gauze on me though. I pull the rest of the gauze off and throw it into the garbage next to the sink. I look in the mirror at the scar and seeing from its size it can't go unnoticed if anybody sees my torso. Oh well, that gauze was annoying me anyway.

I check my phone and see that it's 7:30 in the morning. I got work today. I really don't think I can function properly today. I really hate to bail on the boss, but in times like this I need to think about me keeping my sanity more than anything else.

Walking out of the bathroom and to my closet I open it and pull out a red loose tank top, and some grey sweats. I throw them on and my black Converse, grab my keys and my phone and head out the door. I stop to lock my door and then I notice the eviction paper on the other side of the door and that gives me the motivation to actually go to work. Groaning internally, I rip the paper off my door and close it behind me and leave my building.

I stop at a local bagel shop. It's a little hole-in-the-wall type of place so not that many people know about it, but the bagels and the coffee here is really good and in the afternoon they make some great smoothies.

I enter the shop and I walk up to the counter. There's a lounge area to the right of the front door when you walk in with a stack of shelves that has plenty of books for anybody to read and to the right there's a bunch of tables. I lean on the counter and soon I'm met with a cute, dark haired Latina. Also known as Kacey.

"Woah Blondo why do you look so dead?" Kacey ask as she stares at me confused.

I shake my head. "I don't wanna talk about it Kace. Can I get my usual please?" I ask trying to avoid the question she just asked me. Kacey nods and gets a cup and starts making my caramel macchiato. After two minutes Kacey comes back and hands me the drink while I hand her the money and tell her to keep the change. She grabs my hand before I walk off and places something in it. I look down and it's a little brown paper bag.

I look up at Kacey awaiting a reasoning. "Just a little bud to take the edge off." I grin and thank her and she ruffles my head. "Get outta here Blondo."

I smile at the nickname and start to make my way towards the door to leave, but then I hear someone call my name. I turn around and I'm met with Mikey. I feel a genuine smile start to creep its way onto my face and I quickly walk over to where Mikey is and hug him tightly as soon as I got over to him.

I haven't heard from him since I ran into Lucas that day and the last time we talked he wasn't in the best state of mind.

I feel him cradle the back of my head while rocking me back and forth and this brings me back to thirteen-year-old me. When I would have nightmares about my dad and my mom would be there to hold me and I would hide my face in her chest as I cried into the long hours of the night. It's a bad memory but the gesture never made me feel more safe. I felt safe in my mom's arms and I feel safe now as well. Mikey is literally like a big brother.

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