14: A Fun Day With Auggie

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Riley's POV: Opening my eyes, I close them back tightly as the bright rays of the sun instantly shoot into them, almost blinding me. I take a second to revel in the darkness behind my lids, wishing that I could go back to sleep, but I can't so I open them again. I see spots of light on my bay window, hitting the seats. I hear birds chirping and cars driving by. Everything else in my room is dark, but the bay window. I smile at the sight and snuggle into my pillow as I take notice that it's more comfortable than ever before. Then I realize something.

This isn't a pillow.

This is a body.

I realize the position I'm in and feel that I'm up under someone. My arm is around their waist, my legs are tangled with theirs, and I can feel their chest rise and fall as well as soft snores. At first, I was about to freak out, but then the faint scent of strawberries hits my nose and it all starts coming back to me.

Maya's here.

She's here.

In my bed.

God it feels so good to say that.

Not like that, but you know what I mean.

I unravel my arms from around her waist, letting one lay limp on her stomach, and sit up on my other forearm, taking in her sleeping form.

She looks like an angel.

Her head is cocked to the side, blue eyes hidden behind her lids. Her lips are slightly parted as she takes slow breaths. Her hair is a golden mess, but still flows down past her shoulders onto her hoodie effortlessly. She's truly a work of art and her beauty intensifies as the sun shines down its rays onto her face making her skin glow and her jawline more defined.

Maya really is a beautiful girl. Always has been. But, personally, I think her sleeping state is what emits her true beauty. Something about her calm and peaceful expression and her slow breathing makes her ten times more captivating and I have the pleasure of witnessing that right in front of my eyes after so long.

It feels so good to have her here in my arms and not on the street somewhere.

I can't help but think about that. Maya was on her own struggling to survive. Struggled so much she had to deal drugs. I don't know what she's seen, what she's experienced. All I know is a small portion of it.

That scar is one of them.

I look down at her stomach wondering how much damage was actually done to her. The thought of anyone hurting Maya scares and angers me.

I shouldn't want to see it, but I'm so curious.

I move my hand that is laying on her abdomen quietly and softly to the bottom of her hoodie. I look back up at her to make sure she's still asleep and low and behold she still is, looking like a peaceful angel.

I grip the hem of the hoodie, as well as the shirt under it and start to slowly lift it up, but my actions are cut short when I hear my door open. I let go of the hoodie and turn my head to the person who has entered my room, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Morning mom." I say quietly, being sure not to wake up Maya.

"Good morning baby. I see you and Maya are having a sleepover." She says raising a brow, a smirk appearing on her face. I can tell that my mom just woke up, considering her hair is in a messy bun, her eyes have faint bags under them and she's still in her robe, pajama pants, and slippers.

"Although, I don't remember letting her in." My mom says acting like she's stuck in thought and I already know she wants me to spill.

"I may or may not have left my window open and I may or may not have had a bad dream." I say scratching the back of my head and sitting up fully.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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