3: Reminiscing

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A/N: Hey guys its Kayla! I hope you guys are liking this book so far. I know GMW has been over for a few months now, but I kept getting this story idea and I'm extremely in love with Rilaya. Honestly I think that Rilaya was endgame in GMW and that they were a lot closer than best friends. But if anyone ask, I'ma Lucaya shipper as well. If you like this book please vote and tell your friends about it. I want to get the best responses from this book. Also, chapter 2 happened the same day Maya got stabbed. Don't ask why. It will flow with the story later on. But I hope you enjoy this part.

It was about 3:30 in the morning now and Maya was now laying in her raggedy bed, the sheets crumpled up around her waist. She couldn't sleep. Not just because of the pain her recent wound has caused her but because of what she's thinking about. More likely, reminiscing about. Her old life. It was better than how it was now. Actually from her current situation you would think Maya's old life was a heaven compared to now. She finally had someone to call her dad. Shawn was her father. Was. She always wondered how her mom and Shawn are doing. She knows that he is probably treating her like a queen. She knows that her leaving her mom and Shawn crushed them and she will forever be guilty for that. But she can't change what she's done. She remembers going over to the Matthews residence early in the morning to be welcomed by smiling faces and a plate of food. She remembers all the pranks she did with Auggie and how Mr. Matthews would freak out. His face got so red you'd think he was a tomato. She remembers the creative nicknames and insults she would throw at Lucas. It was the highlight of her day honestly. She remembers Farkle time and how everyone loathed his intelligence. She remembers Smackle and her telling Lucas not to hit on her, but then secretly dropping hints that she liked it.

She missed it all. She even missed school. Learning something new everyday and not just about the basic classes, but about life too. There was one person she missed the most though. Riley was her everything. They were at each other's hip everyday at any chance they'd get. They was the unstoppable duo. No one could break them apart. Riley and Maya. Forever. At least that's what Maya thought.

Ever since the day they met they've loved each other with everything in them. They were each other's safe place. Riley and that bay window window were the only important things to Maya. All the secrets they shared, the tears that have landed on Riley's shirt when Maya remembered her dad. The constant hugs and chin grabs and "ring power" and "thunder and lightning". They were all embedded in her brain.

Maya ran her fingers through her hair as she stared at the ceiling and let these memories run through her mind. Soon Riley became the only thing she was thinking about. She remembers those light brown eyes and how they would light up every time something good happened. How they would calm her down in her most furious moods. How they would assure her that those brown eyes would comfort her through anything. She remembers Riley's long brown hair. The scent of it reminded her of strawberries and chestnuts. How the loose strands would tickle Maya's face whenever they hugged. She remembers that goofy grin that made everything ok at the most roughest times. She's misses everything about that girl. Sometimes Maya questions why she ever ran away from the people who loved her so much. But every time she comes up with the same reason. Her feelings.

Her feelings were the reason for her disappearance. She was trying to get as far away from them as possible and it didn't matter how and it didn't matter what happened afterwards. She just needed to get away. Forever.

Maya had deep feelings for Riley. They started to blossom around the time they both started middle school. Maya didn't know what these feelings were at the time and why she was feeling them. She had a hard time expressing her emotions mostly because she didn't like to talk about them. Over the years those feelings have grown and she's never talked to anyone about them, ever. She's done research on her situation a long time ago and realized that she was bi-sexual. That whole love fest with Josh was just a petty crush and soon she realized that the only reason why she liked him was because he was so much like Riley. For crying out loud he's Riley's uncle. Out of all the years that she's liked Josh she never understood until after that whole thing with the love triangle happened. Even in that situation she didn't really like Lucas. Yeah she had an identity crisis but she mostly just wanted to try with someone who was a boy. Maya started to like Lucas but then remembered that the guy was downright boring as hell. She passed.

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